You could try pointing out to your son that he can buy very cheap DVDs and Game Boy games in the shops in Olu Deniz and Hisaronu!
Good idea mehmeh but we would have to make sure that we left his shopping until last as I know what he will be like once he has bought what he wants! Do these dvds and gameboy games work on our consoles over here? Also can anyone advise which is the best market and easiest to get to from Lykia? Would we need to get a taxi to it as I believe Lykia is a bit away from everything and are they only on early mornings? Thanks

They give you a card which they check on your way back in- I got married here and had guests that stayed elsewhere- believe me they are extremely tight on security- my guests had to be out within 5 minutes of the ceremony ending for fear of death and had to leave their passports at the security desk.
Thanks Helen, I suppose its reassuring to know that security is tight, especially when you have children with you. So what do they do at meal times, do you show the card? Thanks
No you just walk into the restaurant- security is so tight that there is noone else there to take food they shouldn't
One of the things I like about Lykia World is that there are no wristbands. Another is the security. When I've come back in by taxi they've always asked to see a room key. Everyone in the place is either a guest or staff so no need for checking at the restaurants.
Hi everyone - I haven't looked at this forum for quite a few months now. We went to Lykia for a fortnight last June so any questions, go ahead. I don't know where we want to go this summer but reading through here definitely makes me want to return to Lykia. I notice a few posters are going in the school holidays this summer - what sort of prices did you manage to get and who with? We would have to go in school holidays this time but I really want to try to keep the price as keen as possible. So far I have the four of us going in mid july for £3,589 through Travel Republic, but not sure we can even stretch to that. Thomas Cook etc are all coming out about £5,000
Hi, me again! I was just wondering what the mozzie situation is like at Lykia World as I have read that they are quite bad in Olu Deniz itself? I suffer terribly with a reaction to their bites. We will be there last week in May/first week in June. Also what about the wasps I keep reading about at Lykia?
The wasps are a pest at mealtimes as they buzz around your food. They don't often sting though.
anice,- I have always booked with thomas cook - never had any issues with them, great transfers and in resort they leave you alone if you want too, i dont even go to the welcome meeting as you have so much to do and they only want to sell their trips to you, I am going on 7th july this year and staying in residence, usually book trips through bloody georgous, he even sells houses, also vist the spice boys - go down main street in olu to beach - turn left and spice boys are 50 yards alone path - great guys and spices
regards the mozzies i too would react badly to them but in portugal 2 years ago i took with me Avon skin so soft dry oil body spray which you would apply after a shower you can order it online but wait till nearer your hols as you sometimes get 2for 1 promotions. it was great watching the mozzies avoid me..hopefully its strong enough for this year at for wasps im petrified if you hear a mad scotswoman screaming
The wasps only seem to come out at meal times and I've only once seen anyone bitten, and that was a child who was screaming and flapping her arms. You kind of get used to them. As soon as the sun sets they disappear so if you have a late-ish dinner they shouldn't bother you.
Yes I'm terrified of wasps too! If one came near me I really would be a mad woman, just not a Scottish one! As for the Avon ss spray, I actually have some of that what we took on hol last year to Spain but we didn't actually encounter any mozzies so I don't know if it would've worked or not! I have read alot of recommendations about it though so i guess it must work. Thanks for your help everyone
As for mossies and wasps - we didn't see any of either in June and none of us were bitten - perhaps we were the lucky ones!
anyone going around 7th july 2008

dont forget to get or use your LW loyality card, i got 28.00 in the june and 70.00 off in sept last year
Hi Annice, I have booked with direct holidays for two adults and two teenagers, worked out £1,000 cheaper than going with Thomas Cook - although it is Thomas Cook flights we are going with.
i when i went a few years ago it was 16 then they lowered it to 15 not sure if its still 15 , unless anyone knows for sure ring or email them , i know the TO,s childrens age is generally lower than lykia gives you direct

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