How come member havent commented on the subway down baga road..........or is that because us british like a sarnie

Sorry Fiona for going a little of track
Narials post is spot on, by far the biggist increase in tourism these past few years has been in the domestic market from other parts of of India. They holiday in Goa all year and will be the main customer base. As far as the more heated part of this debate what I think puzzles some of us that have been airing our views is, trying to understand, why lots of people go through all the hassle of getting the visa, suffer the horrers of a delayed Monarch flight, Dabolim porters etc. when at the end of it they seem to want the likes of, football bars, Irish pubs, cider, Bacardi Breezers and now Mc Donalds. If thats what makes a holiday for them, fine, thats great I,ve no problem at all with that, but you can get it much closer than India. Alan
But come on can anyone hold their hand up, and say in all honesty, that they have never ever eaten a MacDonalds or the likes?
When my family was younger I sometimes found them a life saver when we were out and about, as I could get them fed quickly in a child friendly enviroment.
Let's also remember that we too have foreign restuarants, Indian, Chinese, American, Mexican etc.
Well said Glynis! Thats exactly what I was thinking when I was typing. Why cant we just live and let live. Everything changes, sometimes not for the better but we just need to get on with it. Doesnt mean that I am happy about McDonalds etc being in Goa, but if others are, then let them enjoy it.
Calm down Gemma
Maybe a wee honeybee or ten Tony
Those of us who like Goan food can continue to eat it. Those who don't like Goan food have a new place to try. Eating a MacDonalds does not mean you are a yob- the way you act and how it effects others determines that!
So is it ok for me to have a wee honeybee then Fiona
Go for it Gemma
if it helps Gemma- go for it
Perhaps we should get the bar open Gemma/Fiona then everyone can agree to disagree over a large glass of Honeybee

and this one
so there will be no big macs in Calangute then - it is called Maharaja Mac- I kid you not.
Whilst I respect peoples views, and I'm late to the discussion, McDonalds is not something we should want anywhere. Whilst familiar, its generic and a greater force of bad 'culture' than good. I've only been to goa once but I wish goans could have the foresight that we never had and retain the things that make the place so special rather than think that westernized culture holds the answers.
I found it very interesting to see how MacDonalds were being marketed in India.
Has anyone tried one of their veggie burgers?
We were in the one a few years ago in Mumbai and as far as I can remember we had a burger that was made of lamb, it was o.k. but mabey my memory is playing tricks. I remember when the first one opened in Delhi they were immediatley closed down, as the powers that be claimed that their hygene was not up to Indian Standards !!!! which I thought was quite amusing, After a fairly long battle they finally were given permission to open, and now they have got down as far as Goa, and I,m sure lots of young locals and some holidaymakers will be glad to see them Alan
I often find myself just wanting Roadt Beef and yorkshire pudding and there is a brilliant resturant/cafe in Calangute that is run by an english couple called the Why Not, and they do the most scrumptious Sunday roasts, in fact you have to book because they are so popular. If it wasent for there place I think that I would starve, because you do get a bit fed up of fruit cocktail for every meal.

By the way where did the information come from - have checked on the internet and can find no mention of it there and have emailed a friend in Calangute who knows nothing about it (but she doesn't get out much!!)

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