I am sure there are better ways to "advance" than introduce MacDonalds!
''Selfish westerners not wanting it advanced'' -Advanced is having a Mcdonalds????!!!! Oh dear me!

Or do they not have beefburgers at all?
Only asking out of curiosity as i have never eaten anything in one of their outlets.
Have only ever been in two,, once for a coffee and the second time in Marmaris to use the toilets.
narial posted 2 links which tell you about the burgers in India, the one with the video from CBS news is very good, they are on page 3 of this thread.
Maybe it would be a good idea for everyone to have a look
I suppose that a company as succesfull as this will have done their research thoroughly and if they do open an outlet in Goa then there must be a market for it regardless of wether some holiday makers don't want one.
As long as it is not compulsory to eat there I have no problem .
It dosn't bother me, but I avoid Calangute anyway.
While watching a programme on BBC2 last night "Calcutta Uncovered" I noticed they had a McDonald's, they also have big shopping malls which wouldn't have looked out of place anywhere in the UK. If McD's does come to Goa I don't think it would be any great tragedy, you can't stop progress.
I.m open minded about their perhaps arrival in Goa, but would question if I'd use the word progress in that context. Alan
Hi Gramps I know where you are coming from and do agree, but in the eyes of the Indian people I think they would see it as progress.
Mcdonalds are to be found in 119 countries and India would feel they were being left behind if they didn't have any, just my opinion.
Now how's this for an idea, so that India doesn't feel left out at all - why not shut McDonalds in the rest of the world and offer the kind of fast food India has on offer instead (which is far more healthy) - now in my eyes that would be progress
Miccie thats a fantastic idea, would cut back on obesity too.
That thought went through my mind also Elliebee
Actually one of the fast foods I do like in India (not common in Goa although I have seen it) is Pao Bhaji which is a Bread Roll (Yes this is Indian) with freshly split peas in garlic and onion and tomato fried gravy!!!
deep fried samosas etc are healthier than a grilled burger?
Yes I do believe they would be, they won't be filled with all kinds of additives to keep them fresh and last longer.
But my idea of the Indian fast food is the chicken kebabs etc, okay so the meat is marinated which obviously takes time, but the cooking is fast, much better for you IMHO.
Samosas aren't that bad as the fillings are already cooked before you fry them
Give me a vegie samosa any day....mmmm yum!
i am sure that i have read somewhere that Asian people have a higher than normal incidence of heart problems due to their diet which includes a lot of fried food.

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