They aren't identical, but the Monarch seating plan (link in my post to suntanman1 on the previous page) is close enough.
thanks dazbo
Thanks Dazbo, what sort of seat pitch on the 767 could you expect on the pre paid extra leg room seats.. i take it these are front row and fire exit seats...
Extra legroom seats are located at exit rows. I'm not sure what the exact seat pitch is, but you can stretch your legs out and not touch the bulkhead / seat in front!!
hi thanks dazbo do these aircraft have seat back tv or the flip down type thanks again for all your help
The 763's have ceiling mounted CRT screens above the isles in economy. Extra legroon seats at exit (bulkhead) rows have LCD panels on the bulkheads.
does anybody know what and if any extra's they give you on the plane????
ie when i went with first choice in march they gave you an ammenity pack and pillow and blanket etc etc,,,do they give any of this out of mytravel premium,,thanks robbie
always very quick to answer thanks very much
hiya travelling to montego bay from manchester on the 25 feb next year. although the flight is booked with my travel..(myt 015) ive heard its a company called north american airlines operating the flight. does any one know for sure..thanks again
MYT have subchartered North American Airlines (Boeing 767-300/ER) to cover some of there flights, presumably while their A332's are on Hajj lease.
hi darren , thanks for the reply. i read in an earlier posting,that myt have a couple of a330 on lease.presumably till feb march time..thanks again.
hi, just been reading other reply's on flying to mobay, i'm fliying on jan 21st from lgw. can anyone tell me if it will be a 767 or a 332 and if it will be my travel
flying to mobay
I assume by that you mean Montego Bay? If so, your flight numbers are MYT015/6. It's currently being serviced by G-SJMC (Boeing 767-31K).
It will indeed be a Boeing 767 via Manchester.

I'm pretty tall and not looking forward to being cooped up in a plane for 11 hours, if anyone could give me some information I'm be greatfull
It'll be a Boeing 767-31K as per your information. All the aircraft information is on this thread but if you have any specific questions, fire away. Seat pitch is 30" in economy configured 2-4-2. IFE is provided by ceiling mounted CRT screens above the isles.
We've booked another holiday and I've discovered the time has been changed again by 2 hours. Not a hassle at all but a pain when you are making arrangements to be at the airport for a certain time.
We've had time changes with other travel companies who have always been quick at letting us know but do airtours let you know or is it a case of we find out for definite when we get our tickets?
Many thanks Lx
As you are probably aware, My Travel (Airtours) and Thomas Cook have recently merged to form Thomas Cook Group. They are currently going through the transition period of merging both entities which have resulted in all these changes. It's no excuse for them not contacting you, but given the number of changes, they probably thought it best to inform you when they sent out the tickets in case of further changes.
The flight last Jan was excellent, the inflight entertainment kept my little lad quiet throughout the long flight so thats why we are using them again this year.
However, i am a little confused.
Last year we booked through directholidays, which is the same group as MyTravel isnt it?
Because of the Merger with Thomascook, when we booked the flights through directholidays, it directed us to flythomascook website, where we got our cheap ish flights no problem.
However, a few friends of ours are wanting to book onto the same flight as us on Monday, which will make their booking 2 weeks and 3 days before departure. Thats if there are any spaces left on the flight.
My question is, it says if you book more than 2 weeks before departure then you will get your tickets sent to you through the post, but if you book within the 2 weeks before you go then you will have to pick up your tickets from the thomascook desk at the airport.
Last year we booked out tickets more than a month in advance, but we still had to collect our tickets from the airport.
I am a little confused, as i don't know if I will have to collect my tickets from the airport, even though it states my tickets will be sent to me

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