my 16yr old and I both did it in August this year. He won his on a raffle at our hotel (club sun city) so we only had to pay the £10 insurance and I got mine for £50 so it was £60 for the two of us. It's not jumping its "running & sitting." I kept repeating this as a mantra up the mountain.
1) to convince myself that I could not jump off a mountain but I could run & was excellent at sitting.
2) it took my mind off the sheer drops, narrow roads and nonchalant driver....
I never, ever do fair ground rides etc (I held coats/bags for 2 weeks in Florida....) so hubby was gobsmacked that I would paraglide but I'd been looking at them all week coming gracefully over our mountain ridge and thinking how peaceful it looked and knew i'd be gutted if i came home and didn't give it a go. It was THE best.

It wasn't scary it was tranquil. The views were amazing. My pilot asked if I wanted to do a spiral and I declined. I've got a fab pic on my phone of my knees and Olu lagoon, turquoise blue, below. I wouldn't have missed it for the world and would love to do it again.