Algarve/Portugal/Madeira/Azores Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in the Algarve
Hi Milly, yeh he enjoyed himself, think thats what he needed to get him out of the deprssion of being laid up at home, we hired a wheelchair for him from the Bombeiros, couldnt find anywhere that hired them out, a lady we knew said try the fire station, it wasnt up to much but it got them from A to B for the 2 weeks. So anyone requiring a wheelchair, for future reference try the fire station, or maybe another member could inform us of any other outlets available, surely there must be some more places.
I beleive they have had some rain since we left, as you say we brought the weather home with us. :tup .
You need to whisper sweet nuthins in hubby's ear and maybe he will surprise you and book a romantic week away for the 2 of you in St Eulalia :D
Wheelchairs - there's an orthopaedic shop over towards Olhos D'Agua the name of which escapes me. It has all sorts of stuff - I needed a wrist support a couple of years ago. Stop sniggering in the back row.

Maybe they hire wheelchairs - might be useful for future reference generally if anyone knows.

Can't find it in yellow pages. Sorry.
Thanks Tom will keep it in mind for future reference for other folks needing one, hopefully we wont need the assistance of one again, youngest son has learned his lesson now not to jump about on trampolines and break his ankle & leg.
You hope.... ;)
Am always very tempted myself.... :haha
Not to break my ankle but to have a go on a trampoline....

I'll get me coat.... :rofl
Hi to anyone who uses the Albufeira forum, I have been unable to get on for two days now, anyone else have the same prob? Cubby are you there? :que
Yes Avril there is something wrong with it I contacted cubby & sagres and they having problems as well
Cheers Pauline, I don't usually post on here, only use "the other one". This one has better smilies mind :tup Thank you for sending the e card by the way, I did receive it and have saved it in the hope I can retrieve it at an appropiate time and forward it to someone. We have cancelled in October by the way, return flights too much, not going til 28th March now, maybe we'll see you then,?
Anyone know when the 'other one' will be up and running? Miss the weather reports cubsur
Not a clue Sneezy, just have to try day by day. Cubsur does do update reports on the weather and his photos on this site as well so you got the best of both worlds. Am an avid fan of holiday truths, but lately no one seems to be posting any questions to answer, must be the time of year.

Avril, Sorry you cant make it in October, I know you said the children had to be back at school and return flights were an arm and a leg, we are out after October stay on the 16th January for 13 days, but then after that its gonna be May or June, not sure yet. Never mind we will meet some day, it will happen at some stage and looking forward to it tremendously, what a good chinwag we will have, and some (Lots) :D vinho tinto/branco as well. :tup
Are you going to be over in January???? We will be there 27th December - 18th February and are planning to stay in some places on the west side, so we might be able to meet up after all and share some tinto....... :tup
Hi Pat, I'll be there from the 17th January to the 24th, hubby staying on till the 28th to do some jobs on the house, so maybe we will get chance to meet.
Hi Jayjan,

I'm still working my way around this forum! Not so many folks on here but maybe that will change. I got a very nice PM from Sagres which explained things regarding the other place! Hopefully they will be resolved soon. Our bookeeper is in our apartment at the moment, arrived on Saturday, I believe things are awful there. The old town apparantly was flooded out and the little linen shop washed away? Glad we're up the hill! If Cubby would put a weather report on here on a daily basis it would be a bit like home from home, what do you thik?

Regards, avril
Avril, I'm sure cubby will oblige with the weather aspect. It isnt looking good at the moment, I feel sorry for those people that are on holiday in Albufeira. I wouldnt like to have an apartment in the Old town with all this flooding, just hope we havnt any leaks at our place, hopefully the lady who looks after my house will tell me if we have.
Well here I am!

Yes the last two weekends saw some very heavy rain and many shops along 'bar street' were flooded twice. The Bombeiros were very busy. All the shops in the basement of Hotel California including the linen shop, the jewellery store and the chinese place were badly damaged. Several bars were also affected.

The whole mess made national TV and various bar owners were seen lamenting - Wild Bill's kitchen and cellar were flooded.

The mayor has instructed that the drainage improvement works in the area should start sooner rather than later.

Weather - it's 18C/66F forecast high 23C/72F. it's fairly bright and breezy but there are a few showers wandering around so it will get cloudy at best, a few bits of rain maybe later at worst.
Those thunderstorms on Sunday and Monday mornings were about the worst I've ever experienced. :yikes It poured with rain all day Sunday but cleared up on Monday in time to make it a bit of a beach day, albeit a touch windy. The sea was very rough, although some intrepid youngersters (mostly) went in and enjoyed the breakers! Tuesday was a beautiful day - calm and 100% sunny. Unfortunately we had to leave in the afternoon! :(

Being on a hill was no guarantee of escaping the flooding, Avril. We were up both nights mopping up gallons of water which the driving rain kept pushing under the front door. Don't worry too much though - I think your front door is more protected than ours!
Hello :wave: Where as everybody gone :( :think have they emigrated or is it the depressing weather in Uk that is causing stiffness in the fingers :que
I'm still here :wave:
More like indulging in the tinto to escape the weather..... :rofl
It's p***ing down here in Glasgow and dark........only 12 weeks till we go back....... :yikes
only 12 weeks till we go back
:yikes - that's a long, long time !!.... only 10 for us !! :pele :pele :rofl
11 for us! :cheers

Really enjoyed meeting you both, Pat. Can't wait to hear how your trip up to the Alentejo goes.
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