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Discussions regarding holidays in Rhodes.
hi smanfa.....just keep calm...once you're there you'll be fine.....its so exciting though isn't it...ahh...12 weeks and you'll be a mrs..!!i'm not doing anything "weddingy" at the minute.having a break...i've just got to get my certificate of no imped and then send everything off for legalisation....oh, and book a dj for home party!!!oh..and buy some new bikinis....and shoes....oh, and lose a few pounds!!! think i need to get on my "step and twist" thingy that i promised my h2b that i would definately use it after begging him to buy it for me....that was 2 years ago...been on it once!!!! he he,the countdown begins!!! :sun :fly :sun2
hey girls at the moment we dont know if the wedding will happen, andy was rushed into hospital last night with a collapsed lung so he might not be aloud to fly, at the monet they saying as long as it is ok in 6 weeks there isnt a problem so fingers crossed :(, i think this wedding has been sent to test us i swear nothing has gone smoothly for us so far, glad to hear everyone is pretty much sorted now bet your all so excited
oh no smanfa, you poor thing! what a nightmare. will be keeping fingers crossed for you hun.debz xxxx
Hi Smanfa, So sorry to hear your news. I am sure everything will work out fine. Best wishes to you and Andy. Just tell him he is not getting out of it that easily ;)
Take care Tanya
hi smanfa, sorry to hear about your h2b.hope he is getting better, i'm sure things will be fine...i agree that things are put on us to test us!!!try to be will both be saying "i do"..on your wedding day....a definate incentive for hubby to get better dont you think???...gosh..they'll try anyting wont they!!! ..on a serious note hun...things will be just sit tight...keep us informed on how you are doing...fingers crossed for you (and toes,and legs and...anything elses that we can phsically cross)..luv sue :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
hi smanfa, how is your h2b doing, is he any better??... how are you doing?? :sun
Hi Girls,

Just wanted to wish you all the best of luck with your forth coming weddings.

I got married in Lindos last October and had the most amazing wedding ever.

It wasnt that long ago I was on here for advice and I felt a nervous wreck!

Lindos Weddings arranged my big day and they were truly amazing. So for anyone who's booked them, you're in very good hands.

Good luck,....I wish it was me again!

xxx ;)
hey girlys thanks for all your well wishes, andy is home at last he came out saturday we are just waiting for an xray next week to confirm he is safe to fly,everything is set now for the big day just got my documents to sort out and hopeing our new house goes threw before the big day hehe, how is everyone doing? hope your not all to stressed out roll on may i think i need a holiday lol, but on the plus side i managed to lose 4lbs last week so my dress should fit lovely now xx
Glad to hear that your H2B is on the mend Smanfa! Keeping my fingers crossed for you that he gets the all clear with his xray.

I feel a bit strange this evening - I have finished all my planning - ordered the last thing I needed today. 5 weeks on saturday and we shall be flying to Rhodes (cant come round fast enough - so excited!)

Nicki x
wow, good luck nicki and keep us informed on how everything goes xx
oh smanfa im so glad hes ok now. what a worry!
i fly in 42 days!!!!!!!!!! arrrgghhhh so so so excited!!
get married in 47 days time!
my legal papers came back to me in the post yesterday from the FCO, im so glad they came basck safe and sound.
we are buying our rings out there but other than that we are done xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
i know im so pleased he is home, weve been out buying cards today to make our invites for our reception when home thats been fun doing that lol xx
hi girls,how are all the plans coming along?? smanfa how is andy now...much better i hope. not long to go for you guys now!!! im really miserable at the minute..laid up in bed with a double ear infection and congested sinus trouble....feel absolutely terrbible. the pain yesterday was unbearable...would rather go through childbirth again....hoestly!!!the antibiotics are kicking in so should be back to my normal self soon. speak soon, luv sue :sad
would rather go through childbirth again....

I'm sure someone could probably arrange this for you,, have you asked on the forums :rofl :rofl :rofl
hee hee wizard!
oh hun, big hugs for u!! hope it clears up soon ,
well i get married in 40 DAYS!!! YIPPEEEEE!!! fly in 35 days, cant wait now! altho james still hasnt got an outfit!,lol gonna buy our rings out there xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
wizard ha ha ha.. :rofl ....well feeling a little better will be no need for me to offer child birth services....honestly...i take it back..all of it..every little need...only joking!!!!!!. :) pebbles flower fairy..thanks for your feeling a bit more human now...although still look like one of the zombies in the thriller video!!!! :omg .its getting real close to your big day excited for you...are you all organised with everthing else now??? best wishes, sue :)
hey all, god it sounds like were all going threw it at the moment hope everyone is ok. not long to go now for any of us i cant wait now i need a holidat lol xx
yey.....i need a holiday too!!!...oh one...yippeeeeeeeeeeeeee... :hols in just under 4 months now..i'm feeling a bit better today just need this damn ringing in my ears to go. i still can't hear hubby to be has to keep turning th tv down!!hehe.i have spoken to our local registry office and am making our appointment for the end of month to do cert of no imped....ooooh..dizzy spell..these damn ears of mine!!!!night all, luv suex
how are you fealing now sue? hope your on the mend, what a rubbish year im having so far i dont think anything more could go wrong for me and andy lol, hows everyone else? xxx :cheers
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