Hello again Fiona and hello to pat.e 10.
If my memory serves me correctly the mozzie machines in Asda are quite reasonably priced.Can't say how much exactly but reasonable all the same.
whats the diffrence between vitamin b and vitimin b complex
Vitamin B is the chemical name for a group of substances originally considered as one vitamin, Scientists then discovered that vitamin B was far more complex and contained several substances, each with a distinct role, but all working with each other and naturally they are all found together.
Vitamin B complex is the name given to substances which contain all the eight vitamins that belong in the vitamin B group and other related substances that inter-act with the B vitamins.
So, when you buy Vitamin B complex tablets, you are buying a tablet that contains all the substances that belong in the Vitamin B group, but we can't call them all just Vitamin B, so they are sub-divided into B1, B2, B3, etc etc.
If you buy a specific B vitamin and in this case Vitamin B1, the price will be reflected in this because you are not paying for all the other B vitamins in one single tablet, which would then be labelled as Vitamin B complex.
Certain non-randomised controlled trials and their evidence was published on the British Medical Journal website and suggest that taking Vit B1 has no effect whatsoever.
It's a water-soluble vitamin, as is all the B vitamins, which means you cannot store it in the body, what the body doesn't need, you pee away, so you need a constant intake and drinking alcohol as most folks do on holiday, actually impairs the absorbtion of Vitamin B1.
I personally am not convinced that taking Vit B1 (thiamine) has any beneficial effects to deter mozzies (having tried it and I don't drink alcohol )
Vitamin B1 can be found in brewer's yeast, wheat germ, oatmeal and whole wheat... some of these are found in beer and I think it's just a fable that has evolved from this and instead of drinking beer, people take the tablet instead....but it's contradictory because alcoholics suffer severe deficiencies in thiamine.
I thought the whole point of taking B1 was that it was secreted through sweat (and not absorbed by the body) and this was a deterent to mozzies.Although along with most things, doesn't seem to work for everyone.
Studies have found that you only absorb 10 to 15% of vitamin pills and you'd have to take excessive amounts before it is excreted through the skin's pores and basically "overload" the system, the vast majority of excessive water- soluble vitamins is excreted through urination.
It's debateable.

I checked this afternoon and a mozzie machine with 15 tablets from Asda is £2.75.A pack of 20 extra tablets is £1.75.
I doubt you'll find them much (if any) cheaper elsewhere.

I`ll pop in during the week for one
Nowhere else seems to have them yet.

And no do`nt think i`ll find cheaper than that.
No probs for that.Asda generally stock holiday stuff like that all year round.It's nice that someone remembers that we can go on winter sun holidays and still need all the bits and bobs that we usally need for a summer holiday!

Are you off somewhere nice then?
Marmaris in Turkey for 2 weeks on 9th June.

Just picking up bits and pieces just now instead of a mad rush in the last week.
Were in scotland are you?Or are you an expat

Just going by your avatar

Noticed in Superdrug that you can buy the Liquid type Mozzie plug in, coming in at £8.99 refills £4.99 (I think Boots do them too) Jungle Formuila. I bought the plug in the Canaries last time I was there so Hopefully the refill will fit
We've been on numerous long haul holidays to the caribbean and the indian ocean (maldives) and the mozzies love me and ingore my hubby. I have always used the extra strength sprays with 50% Deet in until we got to cuba a few years ago where the mozzies were so bad i had to reach for the Bens and never got a single bite afterwards. However our last four holidays have been in the maldives and the extra strength spray was generally enough - just picked up the odd bite or two usually were I had missed a spot. However last year we went and as I was six months pregnant at the time I couldn't use a spray with deet in so instead I used mosi-guard kids which is deet free. i never got one single bite - the best spray i've used. Will be buying it again this year for me and the nipper as it's safe for babies from 3 months.
We are going to Palma Nova next month, are there lots of mozzies there?
I took the Lifesystems expedition 50 with me on a recent trip to Brazil,there were plenty of mozzies but I didnt get bitten once,if they landed on me you actually seen them die as soon as they made contact with the repellant!
I know mozzie questions are asked all the time but I just need to know which is the right skin so soft to keep the little blighters away? I have bought the soft and fresh dry oil spray which is is a greeny/bluey bottle. Is this the right one? Also, has anyone tried either vit b1 or odourless garlic capsules? If so which is the best one to use? Off to Corfu in July and am gonna use tropical strength repellant and take one of these tablets and use skin so soft!!
Hopefully they wont want to eat me as much as normal then!They seem to love me, sandflies do too!
Does anyone else have to go to these great lengths to keep them away or do most people just use one method?
you have the correct SSS for mossie bites.
I use boots own mossie repellant during the day around my legs and the SSS at night because it smells better. It seems to work for me.
That's the right one, but it didn't work for me at all last year. I went off and bought some of the turkish local stuff (called Off, they also have some called Sinkov) and that worked a treat.
I take my hubby, the mossies love him and leave me alone
I normally end up taking a combination of all the three things that you suggest and I normally don't get bitten.
It may be only one of the three that is keeping the mossies away but I do not want to take a chance trying to find out which one it is.

yep, bought the avon sss, took garlic capsules, used all sorts of repellents, vitamins, antihistemine tablets, the works, and the kamimarzi mozzies still wanted a chunk of me ! right, I have now declared war on them and am gonna go out on my hols armed with a supersoaker full off 100 percent deet ! failing that I will have to fashion a suit made purely of mosquito net, ooh, I reckon I'll set a trend for fellow mozzy victims !
Not sure if this is the right place to post for this topic,but can anybody please tell me if the mosquito plugs and tablets are effective for all mossies or do we need something different in Kenya?Thanks in advance for any advice.
Juby5, Hi, I am exactly like you. Have tried them all and still end up having to get a jag at the doctors during my holidays and that aint cheap. I will not bother with the garlic capsules this year or the SSS. They dont work for me but will follow this thread to see if anyone comes up with some new cure.

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