Hi, I am feeling much better today, managing to eat normally now without running to the loo but hubby's bug has came back, well it never really went away, he was very ill over a week ago, got well after a couple of days but gradually his stomach started hurting again as the week went on and yesterday (the day we arrived home) he started with the runs again. Thing about the pools being contaminated though does make me wonder as our 2 youngest were in them more than we were, in fact they were never out of the childrens paradise and the residence pool and they have been fine and being kids I would've thought they would be more susceptible to bugs than we would be (I can't remember the last time I had a tummy bug, usually very strong stomach), none of us have ever been ill like this on holidays in the past though we have never been to Turkey before and our hols have always been self catering. I am wondering if it is the water jugs on the tables as when we have been abroad before we always use bottled water but on this occasion we didn't as we knew the water was filtered. I guess we will never no for sure where the germ came from but i do think there is a problem at Lykia and the root of it should really be sorted out as we were shocked at how many were ill while we were there. One guy said he has traveled all over the world to far away remote destinations and never had a stomach upset.
Macjohnson it will be interesting to know the results of your test when it is back from the docs so please let us know.
Doepsmac, Re the sofa bed, how many kids do you have? If you have 2 then they will both fit fine on the beds in the kids room but if you have 3 then he/she will have to use the sofa bed in the adults bedroom and it is way too short, the bed was already made up when we went into the room and because it looked small we tried to pull it out more thinking it would make a double sized sofa bed but it didn't budge , I don't want to worry you but we have already said that the cat 4 room would be no good to us if we ever went back as our 9yr old is only going to get bigger. Maybe you could ask reception if they could put a fold up bed in the kids room when you get there it might be a tight fit but worth it as my 9yr old slept on the fold up when we were moved into the residence and this was as big as the normal single beds in the room, but the sofa bed I thought was pathetic and rock hard.
The prices of the drinks were as follows: Fanta/Coke/sprite 2Euros, Tuborg beer I think was 3.5 Euros, specialty beers were approx 4 to 7 euros. Hubby thinks the vodka etc was around 7euros but can't be too sure as we didn't buy any spirits. Magnum ice lollies were 3euros
You can tell your wife I had one of the treatments in the spa, a pedicure and foot massage with use of the Thelasso pool beforehand too, I have never had a pedicure before so can't really compare but I did enjoy it, though I did think the lady doing me was clock watching a bit and sent me out with my nail polish still wet as she tried to put my flip flops on and I had to point out that I needed to get dressed and I wasn't given a private room to change in either as I went in the Thelasso pool first and she gave me a robe to wear during the pedicure but when it was finsished I needed to get dressed so the lady took me along to a large sitting room type place and told me in 5 minutes to get dressed and come to reception! I wouldn't have minded but the room had large clear glass windows with a view to a grassy area outside but the staff were sitting outside obviously on a break as they were smoking and if they had turned around the would have got a brill view of me! So that part I wasn't happy about as it should be relaxing not getting stressed out wondering how I am going to get dressed! But my feet/nails did look good afterwards!
Pool games are in the main village pool twice a day I think, though we only went once and my hubby got roped into joining in with the teen club trying to smash ice with a hockey stick as it comes flying down through and out of a tube! Other games included jumping in the pool to retrieve things from the bottom etc and water polo goes on alot too. Kids paradise, yes your girls will love it mine are similar ages (9,11 & 12) and couldn't keep them away, the kids club do a super slides session there every day for a couple of hours except Mondays (this is the only kids club day off) and you can join in even if you didn't go there with the kids club, they also have water bomb fights and sponge fights once a week. They will love it

It is very good of you to post all this information when you haven't been well. Hope you have seen the last of the bug.

I was really intereted in what you were saying about jugs of water on the tables, I'm wondering if you are right in your suspicions. If there is the option of buying bottled water there I will do that instead no matter how much it costs, particularly as my youngest drinks nothing else at all apart from water ?
Perhaps you are right about in not beng crypto,if you kids were in the pool lots & havent been infected (thank God they weren't). I must admit if I had been you and still ill when I got home I would have sent off a sample (Ewww!) to the lab, well got my Doc to do it. I like to know what's going on inside of me !
How your hubbie gets better soon.

You can buy a large bottle of water at any of the bars for only 1.25 euros (the ones in the mini bar are the same price but much smaller)
Also the bed situation, if you do have our type of room then you will be fine with 2 kids as these beds (and they were in an L shape) are normal size of a single bed but I believe they are actually classed as sofa beds too but the sofa in your room (if it is the same type) you will see how small it is compared to the ones that are L shaped, but at least you will only use it to sit on!!

Hello we have been home now for about 3 weeks and this is a quick message but this was our first time there and we are pining to go back. Its like feeling homesick. We had a fantastic time and although our children didnt use the kids clubs that much when they did they were never bored. We went scuba diving, water ski-ing, banana boating, jet ski-ing and took a speed boat out. We also had some fantastic photos by the photo guys that walk about. My only concern was that we had only been there about two days and my husband was sick and then the rest of us went down. Within a couple of days we were fine again and the exactly 7 days later we were ill again. After speaking to a few others they also were ill. We didnt think too much of this until we returned home and my youngest being 3 had still got upset stomach and after keeping in contact with some others from the hotel they too were still ill. I had a test done at the doctors and it came back that he had cryptosporidium. This is found in contaminated drinking water and swimming pools. Although not life threatning and depends on your health some may experience two to three days worth or 2 to 3 weeks worth of upset stomach or sickness. Has anyone else been ill around mid August at Lykia World? We are all well again and it hasnt put me off going back but it does concern me that after spending so much on a holiday we were ill from the pool.
this was posted last year redarding the bug !!
hope it will be of help to you twinkletoes

I was away from the forum for a couple of months last year gregg so probably missed harrisons post, so thanks for digging it out. Can't change at this stage as holiday is immenent and can't be bothered hanging on to Thomas Cooks/Airtours premium rate phone lines, they will deny all knowldge of problem anyway. Still waiting for a 'cleared balance' invoice from them. Queried it twice to be told "sorry, huge backlog you will get it after 28 days" That was about 8 weeks ago.


Just a thought but we never drunk the water on the tables at all and removed the ice from our drinks, only buying bottled water, so maybe this is where the answer lies? We did use all the pools, all the time, except the residence adult only and with the children being young they were sure to have swallwed a fair bit ( 2 were 5) yet no-body from our family was poorly there last year.
Darren - the most expensive things were the cocktails - 7 to 9 euroes, of which we had a few on a couple of nights. We too bought gin and whisky in duty free, and then went into Olu (where there is an 'AZDA' and a 'TESKO' (!) where we bought mixers and 5 litre bottles of water for 3 euros. Worth the taxi fare there!
We noticed three changes since 2006:
1. No welcome cocktail. This is a shame as we were very thirsty by then and even a glass of water would have been wonderful.
2. Evening entertainment now has a lot of outside acts brought in, not just the in-house entetainment team. They also seemed to not want to use the amphitheatre, staging the shows by the village pool or in the dancefloor area. We thought this was not a good idea, it made it hard to see properly and the seating was uncomfortable. Much better to do all shows in the theatre where everyone can sit down on cushioned seats and get a good view. Also they did the same Turkish folklore show both weeks. Really they should operate a fortnightly programme.
3. New club dance!
People have asked on here before about late check-out rooms, so just to let you know our experience- We had two rooms in the Residence with a lovely 'partial sea view'. Our return coach picked up at 4pm, so I asked if we could keep our rooms. They said no and when I asked if there was a room we could use to change in, the answer was 'no'! So we changed in the loos in reception. The luggage was stored in a secure baggage room.
We did the First Choice excursion to Kalkan, Myra and Kekova and it was excellent. Recommend it.
if your still waiting for a invoice of clearance from Tomas Cook, if you log onto their web site and go into "my account" maybe through " pay balance" put in a reference number 0000 - 000000000 its at the top of your confirmation letter, thern your date of departure and your surname, - it should come up with what you have booked and paid for
Mehmeh, Re a courtesy room to change in, we left late on Friday night and asked for a room in the residence where we had been staying to change in, first they said the room was being used and could we wait (we knew the family who had gone into this room and knew they would be a while!) so we waited 10 mins then went back to reception and asked again, the lady said did we need the room now and I replied yes, so she gave us a key to another room in the residence (room 513 if anyone is interested) so we showered etc and were in there approx an hour, no probs they also let us keep on our own room in the residence until 3pm free of charge, my hubby asked very early that morning as we had wanted to pay to keep the room until we left for our flight at 11pm but unfortunately someone was coming into it but they let us keep it until 3pm which we thought was very good as we were only roomless from 3pm until 7pm when we wanted to shower.
I think it is just luck whether you can keep your room. We asked the night before and they said to ask again in the morning, so I asked at 8.30 and they checked and said the new occupants were arriving at 1pm, so we couldn't keep either of the rooms. You were lucky to be given a room to change in as we were told categorically (at 8.30) that none was available on Saturday, so Friday must have been less full. It wasn't a question of waiting 10 minutes, it was 'no'.
We managed to book a room for late checkout, as we weren't leaving until 10.30pm. We had to keep checking back with reception though from first thing on the morning of departure until just before 10am when they allocated us a room (we did have to pay for it). I know there were people further down the list who got there after us and weren't so lucky. It was great because it meant we were all packed up by 11am from our main room, but we able to just open the cases for a last minute change, after showering etc for dinner like normal. We treated it as a normal day. And we had fresh towels in the room.
Will I be able to track the booking even I didnt do an on-line booking for Lykia?
I booked on the telephone and it was actually out of the airtours brochure who have subsequently been taken over (whoops ! I mean merged

Macjohnson have you had your results back yet? Did they show anything?
It would be interesting to know if any of you who are going to Lykia in the coming weeks have the misfortune of suffering with this nasty bug to let us know when you get back just incase there is a prob over there (hopefully not) I certainly hope you don't suffer with it and have a brill hol as it really was a fab place, good luck!

you can track your booking on line with the tc web site but you need your booking confirmsation number you sign into " MY ACCOUNT" IT SHOWS YOUR INVOICE OF YOUR BOOKING - WHAT you have paid etc all in different tab sections. or try the " airtours " web site

Hopefully they were exagerating slightly.....
My mrs can spend for England, it's gonna cost me a fortune..........
There are 4 of us and our bill is usually around £300. To spend that much they must have been hiring a car and going paragliding every day!
Our bill came to £400 approx and that included a scuba diving lesson for each of our 3 kids (£33 each), two pampering sessions at the spa (£40 each), photos & DVD of the diving was approx £40, this dosn't include photos taken by the Lykia photographer btw as we paid cash for these seperately try not to get carried away as they take them all the time and it's hard for us mothers to refuse them once we see them! We ended up with another £40 worth of photos! The rest was spent on freshly squeezed orange every morning at breakfast (2 euros), bottled water 1.25 euro and drinks/lollies for the kids. We didn't do any trips nor the paragliding, Oh we did pay extra at the kids clubs for the banana boats/jet skis which went on our bill and this was 4/5 euros each child.

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