Thomas Cook don't offer day before check-in from anymore.
Hi Remstone have just looked at their website and there appears to be the facility for online check in for a slected number of airlines but Thomas Cook is not named. The link is here for you to have a look at.
I wanted to use day before check-in at Gatwick in March but when I asked the airline about it was told they only offer this service in the summer season. My call was only about 2 weeks ago.
Day before check in (DBCI) or sometimes known as twilight check-in is different from on-line check-in , with the former you can actually get rid of your hold luggage the night before your flight and recieve your boarding cards, so straight thru to security the next day, i know thomsons is only available on flights before midday.
with on-line check-in you have your boarding cards , but still need to queue to check-in your luggage or do a bag drop on the actual day of flight, online check-in is useful if you are only taking hand luggage.
Merged to Thomas Cook topic in flights forum.
tcx237k from manchester to turin to day as been diverted to milano do u have any info why it wos diverted ? only intrested cause me freinds are on that flight
extreme bad weather in Turin
Off to Cuba in 3 weeks from Manchester and booked seats months ago, our friends on same flight have been told they can't do this - anyone any ideas
I have been advised to post a question here. I am flying to Bodrum from Manchester in June and I am very nervous flyer. I need to gain as much info before I fly as it tends to help. I also suffer with severe air sickness if there is turbulence and unfortunately nothing seems to help. I am concerned about reports I have read with regards to TC, lack of legroom and long delays. I travelled with Thomson last year and their planes were lovely with decent legroom. Please can anyone give me an honest review of what I can expect. Thanks
short/mid haul.. legroom the same, airframes around the same age, flight crew trained to a similar high standard, i have found very little difference to chose from,
have you read our fear of flying thread
Welcome onboard

As Wizard mentions, our Fear of Flying thread may be useful for you as we've been recently discussing turbulance. Do you know what your flight numbers are? I'll be able to give you an indication of the aircraft type but need your flight numbers and preferably dates of travel as there are several flights weekly to Bodrum. It'll likely be a Boeing 757-200 or 767-300/ER. You'll find lots of aircraft information on our What Aircraft? guide (link below) in the mean time. Seat pitches are the same as those on Thomson Airways aircraft. However the seat designs are slightly different on the 757's meaning the Thomson Airways (ex-Thomsonfly) have a little extra knee room over Thomas Cook. I fly with both airlines regularly and I wouldn't say there's much of a difference really.
The more info you can give me, the better I will feel.......................I think! Thanks again
Dazbo - I think they booked with a TC shop about 3 - 4 months ago, we booked with TC TV 9 months ago but everytime I Phoned to book seat selection I got different answers, the time I booked the seats the girl couldn't have been more helpful. The answer my friend gets is that the plane touches down and it wouldn't be fair to other passengers but when she puts the plane up she can see that a lot of the seats are already booked - BAFFLING
I think that the plane is a 763, which I cant find on the Which Aircraft thread.
you will get use to the coding 763 is the manufactures code for the 767-300 ER
TCX967/L are indeed operated by the Boeing 767-300/ER as Wizard mentions. This is shortened to 763. Row 30 seats C/D/E have a little bit more room on this aircraft at the rear of the middle cabin. they have tray tables in the arm rest rather than on the seat back. I came back from Turkey on that row last September, it's only about an inch more than standard seats but every little helps! Turbulance is rarely a problem going to Turkey, but of course it depends on the weather conditions on the day. The only turbulance you normally encounter is when crossing the alps about 2 - 2.5 hours in to the flight. I've only ever experienced light turbulance so it's nothing to worry about.
Is it the Varadero/Holguin flight you're on or the Cayo Coco? Assuming it's the Varadero/Holguin flight, the problem lies because the flight stops enroute. Because the flight stops outbound in Holguin, there's a crossover in the middle. Those that are on the flight to Varadero may have selected a seat that those going home from Holguin may have also selected. That causes conflict for that section of the flight. I don't know why they can't select the seats now, but I suspect it's because its too close to the departure date.
The worst turbulence I have experienced have been on transatlantic flights and it has been sudden, massive drops that initiate the vomiting. I am reasonably happy with mild turbulence where it is just a bit bumpy. I am the same on fairground rides where I enjoy a boneshaking wooden coaster but vomit at the sight of a kids roundabout or anything that goes upside down.
After looking on the TC site, I think we went to Salou last year on a 767-300. It was with Thomsons, and the sheer scale of the aircraft was quite daunting, with the usual feelings of how could this plane with all these people on, possibly manage to get off the ground!! The outward bound flight was fine, but the on the return we were warned about moderate turbulance that would be present for most of the journey home. They told us the seatbelt signs would be left on and within 20 mins it started. It was a bone shaker for about an hour but no big drops, and I managed to get through it despite shaking like a leaf! In the end the pilot said it was too uncomfortable for us all and we changed altitude to escape it. I have to say the pilot was wonderful and the constant updates really helped.
I may be back for more advise soon, as we are planning a weekend in Spain and will be looking for flights soon,
Thanks again
to try and minimise any effects caused by turbulence try and obtain a seat in the wing area, although you may still feel some effect it will not be as bad as being at either end of the airframe, sudden dropping is caused by air pockets [a layer of air of a lower density] and unfortunately no matter where you sit the drop will be felt.
I am waiting for the Thomas Cook flights from Manchester to Vegas to be released for the Winter 2010 season. They are currently only selling up to the end of October and I want to go in November.

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