General Holiday Enquiries, Hints and Tips

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Sunadict, I thought the 3 year shelf life was if they were unopened. If they've been opened and partly used it's a lot less but tbh I still think they work long after the recommended time.
Not sure Shirley, but I have certainly used opened one's that are a few years old. I don't know how you know if they've been opened before you've bought them. I've seen lots of people opening them in Tesco to see what they smell like. It's not as if they are sealed when new.
That's true Sunaddict, which is why I try and reach for the ones at the back. I've just checked a few of mine.
Recommended use after opening within-

Piz buin lotion- 12mnths
Banana Boat carrot oil - 18 mnths
Avon Bronze anti ageing - 24 mnths

So it probably depends on the product.
Hi Shirley
Where abouts on your Piz Buin is that information? Just been looking at my stash and I know my glasses need changing but I couldn't see it anywhere.
yesterday in tesco, i got some ambra solaire clear spray, £1.50, and they had the bottles of cream for £1.50.

several other makes on the shelf, plus aftersun....
HI Sunaddict,
Sorry now I'm reading your last post. I've got a Piz Buin Sahara tested, factor 8 200 ml in front of me and there is a picture of an open lidded pot with 12m on it - right at the bottom on the back ;)
Thanks Shirley. Now you've pointed it out I can see it lol. Picking my new glasses up next weekend - obviously not a minute too soon :rofl
Today I picked up some Nivea suncream and after sun from Tesco. Suncreams were bogof; so two for £10. The after sun was half price at £4. I thought this was a fair price for the brand. I fancied trying a different brand after using Boots Soltan one last year. Their suncreams were so thick and greasy.
Has anyone tried the Nivea bronzing ones that help you get colour? are they any good? think they only come in high factors though.
I can really recommend avon after sun..its cheap its a huge bottle and it really keeps ur tan,keeps ur skin soft and is the best on the market..also its elemis tan accelarator time....woop woop..
Hola Karen ! just ordered some avon after sun, also gonna give the elemis another go this year.
will you manage to get to your beloved fuengy this year ? hope so for you xx
No goin to benidorm, our usual hotel is coming up to expensive so we have got a 5 star, not been to beni since 2001, so really lookin foward to it.and where you off to this year?
Relly glad I found this thread... am off to buy my elemis now before Turkey in 5 weeks... I am a (sensible) sun worshipper and have only every been away during peak season = peak tempartaures before so am terrified I will come back from Turkey white in April!! Hence doing anything I can to prevent this lol! Might also give the Avon carotene stuff a go although when I have used carotene pruducts before on hols I have had prickly heat.... Also grabbed a bargain yesterday in Boots, Ambre Solaire factor 50 kids spray cans in packets with free hats marked down to £4 so picked up 2 to find at my delight at the till they were also bogof!!!
Superdrug are currently doing a buy one get TWO free promotion on Soltan Sunscreen.
And the basic prices are good too.
PLUS I found they had mis-priced the 400ml size to the 200ml price.
So I got, in total, THREE bottles of 400ml factor 15 for just under a fiver!!

Just wanted to recommend the above suncream, we bought it in Florida last year and it is a really good cream, rubs in easily with a lovely smell and non-greasy. It's the best one I've ever used.

I've just found that you can buy this from (which also provides good reviews).

There's so many brands to choose from and some are so expensive, so just thought I would pass this one on :cheers
But please be careful and beware of sunbeds as shown in this report today from Cancer UK:

Report HERE
Well i received my sun creams through the post from superdrug 3 for 2 and i also got a free 7ml Olay regenerist serum.......3 point super serum
Dont normally use any sort of sun care products. But going to Seychelles in October and to be honest I have no idea what factor this and factor that means.

Normally I burn, peel and then go brown!! What would you good people suggest I use?
As the Seychelles is not far from the Equator I would use 30 factor.
It wont stop you getting a tan but will stop you from burning.
When we were there there was a breeze which made it seem cooler but the sun is so intense and you will burn if you dont apply some sun protection.
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