I have today completed my fifth and most frustrating visa application yet, hope the following may assist others with theirs
1) There are 3 pages of details to be entered about your application, at the end of each page you are given the opportunity to save the details entered so far or to proceed to the next page, you are given a "temporary application ID number" to retrieve details you may have saved.
2) After the 3rd page you are taken to a page which lists all the details you have entered on your application, should you need to make any corrections you can "modify/edit" when you will be taken back to the first page of your application or you can confirm the details are correct by entering "verified and continue"
3) You are now taken to a page which gives you a " File Number starting with GBRL" you can no longer make any alterations to the details entered and the temporary id number is of no use,
You can either "Print Form" and return later to make an appointment/payment using the GBRL File Number or procced directly to "appointment/payment" which opens 2 windows one top of the other, print the Visa Form first then close the window, which leaves the payment page .
4) If you pay online don't forget to enclose a copy of the receipt
and the declaration
I could not as in previous years make more than 1 application at a time and had to make 2 seperate paymnts not sure if this was due to my mistake or not but it caused me a lot of confusion
Roll on 9 Jan