Hi there
We are off to the HV in August and just read your review, well I think it's your review. You only gave one sun for cleanliness, however never mentioned anything about of the lack of this in your review. Can you let me know what wasn't that clean in your opinion. Sorry to be a pain and to be honest I'm starting to be abit paranoid about this whole holiday village.
Thanks in advance.
Friends just back from the HV and thought it was great.
My kids (10 and 7) have asked me to find out some details of the activities offered by In2Action. It's hard to tell from the brochure what is on offer and I can't see anything in previous posts. Also, does anyone know how much they cost? They also wanted to know about the kids clubs. Karen has told us about the sea scooters in the pool etc and I wonder what else is available. We go on the 30th of this month and despite previous reservations, are now looking forward to it.

Lou : When we were there last July my son went to the In2Action club. They had various activities going on twice a day and sometimes a film in the evening. Lots of playstation games/game boy games. went to Fuengie Zoo on a half day trip, tivoli world, chocolate making days etc. He was never bored and for the first time ever, wanted to go to the club. The two reps who were there were brilliant with all of the children. My son was 9.
Thanks Jackie
It was my report and I gave it a score of 3 but was in rush and may have scrolled down with the mouse when the score for clenliness was selected. I will try to edit my report and put the correct things in.
*Edit. Done - Glynis*
There a few things that i forgot to include in my report like the maids wanting to change our sheets at 9.00 am on a sunday morning when we hadn't got to sleep until well after 12.30 due to the older kids playing football in the hotel. I was on holiday not getting up for work so why would I get up when the kids were still sleeping and throw away a very rare chance for an extra hours kip.
It was very easy to get a sun lounger with a sun shade at the beach club as it doesn't open until 10 and never got packed. It was a different matter at the hotel though if you hadn't claimed a lounger with sun shade by 9.00am you had next to no chance of getting one until the afternoon when some people went over to the beach club. Also there is a kids club at the beach club which is not very well advertised but my daughter liked it and we never had problems getting her a place like we did in the main hotel kids club. You had to pre book the night before and the places were limited to 30 and lots of people didn't bother to turn up for places they had booked. Very frustrating!!
If you are AI it ends at lunch time on you last day no matter what your checkout time is. We paid extra for a late checkout but were still expected to pay for drinks and food from lunch onwards. We ordered packed lunches for the last day because of this and stocked up and the drinks that are put in your fridge every day. The other option is to get someone that is staying longer than you to "help you out" on the last day.
As I said in my report overall we had a good time. It wasn't the best value for money holiday I have ever been on but it was by no means the worst either.Some people out there had paid a lot more for the holiday than we did as they booked later.
I can't edit my report so please could 1 of the mods edit the score for clenliness from 1 to 3. Thanks
There a few things that i forgot to include in my report like the maids wanting to change our sheets at 9.00 am on a sunday morning when we hadn't got to sleep until well after 12.30 due to the older kids playing football in the hotel. I was on holiday not getting up for work so why would I get up when the kids were still sleeping and throw away a very rare chance for an extra hours kip.
It was very easy to get a sun lounger with a sun shade at the beach club as it doesn't open until 10 and never got packed. It was a different matter at the hotel though if you hadn't claimed a lounger with sun shade by 9.00am you had next to no chance of getting one until the afternoon when some people went over to the beach club. Also there is a kids club at the beach club which is not very well advertised but my daughter liked it and we never had problems getting her a place like we did in the main hotel kids club. You had to pre book the night before and the places were limited to 30 and lots of people didn't bother to turn up for places they had booked. Very frustrating!!
If you are AI it ends at lunch time on you last day no matter what your checkout time is. We paid extra for a late checkout but were still expected to pay for drinks and food from lunch onwards. We ordered packed lunches for the last day because of this and stocked up and the drinks that are put in your fridge every day. The other option is to get someone that is staying longer than you to "help you out" on the last day.
As I said in my report overall we had a good time. It wasn't the best value for money holiday I have ever been on but it was by no means the worst either.Some people out there had paid a lot more for the holiday than we did as they booked later.
Hi Arrived back late sunday night will post review soon ( but we had a fab time)
The beach club is the place to be,,,,,, either 'up top' by the water jets. or by the elephants,its so much more nicer than the hotel pool.
Very dissapointed in the lack of day time activities for adults,,, waterpolo 2-3 times a week if the enertainment team can be bothered.. and footbal twice a week,, tues @ 4pm and saturday at 5 pm.. we organised a couple or 3-4 sessions for our selves and the kids,, after the soccer school had finished.
Resident duo ''.devish n devine''

Reception staff are great an very helpfull.,. cleaning staff ditto.......
one major cause for concern.dinning room staff..i know they're under pressure, but i made a complaint,,caught one of them playing with the food from the salad bar an crackers for cheese.actually had his hand in the food . messing with it.god did he run into the kitchen when he realised he was being watched.!!.. i wasnt impressed with that..... FC STAFF..... hmmmm

cleanliness.... i found the biggest problem was us!! the guests... it doesnt take 2 seconds to pick up your own litter,plastic cups etc. yes a few more waste bins wouldnt go a miss, but.if we( the guest) just were slightly .... less litter louts,, the place arond the pool etc wouldnt be half as bad..... just an observation. Maids where great ,,,
Location.. my biggest bug bear,,,,,, as a regular to the area,, i got caught out..i put my hand up to that one! closest train staion caravjal..15 mins walk... bus service,,cheap an cheerful but.. can be a bit erratic....
For all of you that are still to go.. try speakin a little bit of spainish to the bar staff,, it DOES get you noticed,,thus served a little quicker!!.. behind the bar is ..jorge.alex.ester.sussanna,and the ever smiling ramon.......!!
oh and if you see a stuffed penguin, up side down in a pint glass behind the bar, say hello to 'jim the penguin!!'.and tell the bar staff you know hes called 'jim''.that'll get you a laugh........
if i remeber any more i'll write later.
on the whole.a good(ish) time..... dont know if we'll rush back,, my son (14) gareth,,,, didnt want to come home....so plenty for that age group to do... but for adults its almost ... 'groundhog day'
And also when I was there a lady waiting at the bar (english)
was speaking very fluent spanish and the bar staff thought it was a
hoot laughing and whispering under their breath. Very rude people.,
We normally visit menorca and use 3star accomadation and it has been 10 times better than this dump. When we were there people were reporting stolen bags and the like with nothing much being done about it, this is most definetly not a 4star accomadation and as soon as first choice sort this out and stop fooling hard working people then it is in my book a misrepresentation and should be highlighted to the point as we the dissatisfied customer do something about it, if only to add it to holidays from hell.
Anyone with this venue already booked ask for either a refund or accomadation elsewhere. I am not a moaner but a hardworking individual whos has frankly been conned. Be warned.

I still have to say in its defence that my kids had an amazing time and loved the place, despite my daughter being ill , they would go back tomorrow, i just think that FC need to be aware of the improvements needed at the HV. karen
Did you really have a holiday from hell experience as I dont think that this hotel can be that bad!! Yes, I haven't been YET but to call it a dump, well it certainly doesn't look like a dump!!!! If it was so bad, did you write to complain?????? If yes, what happened and if no, well I rest my case!!
Did you do a review on Holiday Truths to help people decide on whether to go to this hotel?????
Perhaps you should stick to your 3 star hotels!!!!!!!!!!
I do think the hotel is one of the ugliest on the coast, like a throwback from a third world commi block.
I didn't add my opinion on this site to insult anyone like an old fish wife, I wrote to inform people of my experiance with this hotel and to add that its status as a 4 star is a misrepresentation as the the many three stars I have encountered have been so much better. I have travelled all over the states New York LA Utah Las Vegas and san bernadino, of which we have stayed in 2star 3star and 4star. I have never hand on heart stayed anywhere like the HV. Now some people have come back and have really enjoyed their experiance but I however wasn't one of the those people. I don't feel safe in a place where there is property stolen and peoples room doors are left open by the maids. My compliant has been written and sent to FC in hoping that if all people with similiar compliants write to them then something on a more positive can be done. Heres hoping.
well done lola, thats what this site is all about, helping and informing people, i am glad you have backed it up in writing, FC will have to listen at some point. We did have a good time there, there were some problems, and we would not go back..................l
However,Karen it would have been better if Lola had done a review on the hotel in the hotel review section, as that is what that section is for and perhaps I would not have booked it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really would not worry to much, there were 7 of us there and we all enjoyed it, yes, there are issues that need looking at but there are lots of good points to this hotel, especially for the kids......... I am having trouble getting into the review bit to read what people have put, but yes it is always a good idea to post a hotel review, maybe when lola reads this, she will put one on if she hasn't already.
Can I point out that whilst we would very much like Lola to put a review in the review section, she is also most welcome to her opinion on the forums.
absoloutly sarah, i am sorry i was not meaning anything else in my post.

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