i,was there last 2 weeks all things still going on till the last 2days. swim school & football school still going on for the first week then finshed 2nd week but do not no for this year if be like that
we went the beginning of Oct last year to the peg palace.
I cant fault the hotel or the staff, it was amazing, too many cleaners cleaning everywhere, so many slides and kids clubs that the kids were never bored. they had chocolate parties and sweety bingo to name a few things.
My kids went to soccer school which was really good value but make sure that if your stopping to watch them take more mozzie spray because they do come out in force.
The food wasnt very nice but you never went hungry ( the salads were beautiful). the cordial pop was a bit too sweet but you could water it down or go for the cola which was actually coca colaor fanta.
the newsagents were a bit pricey when it came to pringles and chocolate and water. but if you go into sarigerme itself which was really cheap in a taxi you could get things there for a lot cheaper.
WE stayed in a kids den which was the same as a family room only they had a partition across the middle of the room which you could close of a night time. the rooms were lovely but if your thinking of booking a jacuzzi room it means your getting a normal sized bath with a few jets in them. there was a deposit to pay on the playstation, when we was there it was £150 so we didnt bother getting it but you didnt need to anyway, there was english channels on the satalite tv which was in your room.
get some decent mozzie spray. the more tropical the better. I cant comment on the beach because it wasnt done but the water sports and the beach party was brilliant.
It must be okay as we are booking to come back.
I hope this helps people
Can you pay the £150 deposit and get a platstation if your staying in a Jacuzzi suite ?

if anyone has been with a baby last year it will be helpful if they could give me any tips re: food i am also worried that we shouldnt have booked for aug due to the temp but it is the only time we can go away.
Also it says in the brochure you have to pay for bottled water.....is there any safe drinking water available on the all inclusive package?
Cant wait for it to open this year so we can all read some recent reviews.
There is drinking water available freely at the bars and in the Dining areas, it is in big Dispensers and they have plenty of refills under the tables, is isn't always really cold as the bottles do empty quite quickly due to the place being HUGE. The bottled water that they are on about is the mineral water that you can buy in the shops, which is very expensive... we had our own bottles and filled them up from the dispensers and put them in the fridge in our room.
As for the Temps... We were ther for the last 2 weeks of July and it was reaching 47 -50 degrees everyday, peaking at lunch time...We found this far too hot and would return to our room about 11.30am, get ready for lunch, then after lunch go back to the room untill about 3.30pm as it was too hot to sit outside even in the shade...
Katy xx
Glad you can get drinking water was a bit worried about having to pay for it.....hopefully it will be ok for the baby to drink, im sure it will be as he will be one by then.
After evening meal is finished is there other food available such as late night snacks? for anyone who might have the munchies after a few beers!!!!
By the way did you enjoy the place food etc?
After evening meal is finished is there other food available such as late night snacks? for anyone who might have the munchies after a few beers!!!!
Evening meal times was untill about 9.30pm (I think) but we went down late a few times and found they were pratically cleaning the table off as you ate

They did have a late Buffet in the dining room, from about 11pm (again, I think!!) it was around that time anyway. We only went in once (the night we were going home, never got picked up untill 3am

We didn't enjoy the food at all really, whilst we didn't go hungry, we did find the food of very poor quality for a 4* Hotel and it was always warm, never hot. This was maily due to others who didn't close the lids on the servers after they had finished therefore letting the food go cold !!! We had undercooked Chicken from the BBQ (blood running undercooked!) So we tended to maily stick to the salads and bread after that

We didn't have a nice holiday last year and personally will never return to either the PP or PT. I may not be the best person to talk to about it cos I wouldn't recommend this hotel to any one either

Katy xx
although we never experienced the heat that katy did,it was still hot but the thing that we missed was getting away from the pools and the complex and going for a walk outside which you couldnt do because there is nowhere to go, this is the main reason we wouldnt go back again...but if your happy staying on site, then you,ll have a terrific holiday.....if you have kids that is
hi vicky, we went to the p/t in october last year when our youngest was 10 months old and we are returning this year in july. when we went last year we took jars of baby food but we did let her try some of the food there. we took a pop up sun tent which was fantastic for her as she could play in it and have a nap in it away from the sun, we also bought a very good sun canopy for the pushchair and a good mozzie net. 50 factor sun cream (you will need lots of that ) and a good mozzie cream suitable for very young children (we bought a tropical one suitable from 3 months and she only got bit once) if i can think of anything else i'll let you know.
Where did you get the mozzie net from? did you get a cot one aswell?
What month did you go?
Did they heat the food for you somewhere?
Thanks Vicky
Sorry you said you went in oct!
1 more thing did you let her have the water that was available to drink?
Did you just take pre made baby milk in cartons?
Thanks again
There was plenty of fresh bread every day, and it was very nice too...and as Black knight has pointed out there was always lots of fruit as well, whilst we were there it was better some days than others...there was cheese on the salad bar but it was maily the foriegn stuff' ie: Feta (yum) and the (what I call) rubbery type Edamy sort of cheese, it was nice tasting...what i am trying to say is there wasn't anything like chedder that you would get at home.
I think you will find the water ok for your baby to drink. The bottles are stored under the table where the coolers sit and they are all sealed bottles, you can sit and watch the waiters break the seal and pop them on the coolers, all the emptys, in turn are stored back under the table.
There was always plenty of fresh cold milk as well...my advice would be not to take any cartons of milk (unless of course you baby is still on Formula) but to take a couple of bottles of his favourite sugar free squash that you can dilute down with water. It will be hot and you will proberly find that he will want to drink more than he eats anyway. There was always potatoes and veg at the evening meal and chips as well for him to hold and nibble on

My biggest bit of advice to you would be to take some Diralite sachets, which you can get from the chemist, just in case of any Tummy upsets which if he did get anything like that would proberly be more to do with the heat than the food and also the fact that he will be drinking plenty of fluids. My other piece of advice would be to not let your children drink the"Tang" drink if thats what they are still serving, it is very, very sweet and full of colours and E's and all sorts

Hope this helps, Katy xx
PS... if you are still concerned about food, if your baby eats stuff like ready brek etc, why not take a packet of this in your case, it will mix easy with water and won't weigh too much... just a thought

PPS...Just read about youasking about Mozzies nets for the cot...all the balcony doors have Mozzie Screens on them so you can have the door open without thoses wretched little creatures getting in, so as long as you keep this in place you shouldn't need a net for the cot...also we took a tin of "Raid" flying insect reppellent with us and sprayed the room everynight before we went out and when we got back and we never got biten in the room at all.
One more thing, all the balconys have got Clothes Airers on them for you to hang your bits out to dry if you do rinse any thing out by hand (which I am sure you will with the baby

hi to everyone
my daughter never used to eat baby food in jars either so a couple of months before we were due to go i tried her on a few, she didnt like many of them so i just bought the ones she liked which were the organic pasta ones. i also bought some yogurt sort of things which dont have to be stored in the fridge, you can find them near the jars of baby food in asda and they cost about £1.20 for 4. i agree with katy about getting some cordial but we bought some sugarfree baby powdered drink from boots, you mix it with water and it does not weigh much. we took our own kettle and used cooled boiled water but you should'nt need to do that.
another good tip we made her wear a sunhat with the flappy bit at the back to protect her neck.
the readybreck idea sounds good, we took weetabix. there is a microwave in the dinner hall to warm babyfood up and the highchairs were good ones too!
i let her eat a little bit of their food but i was'nt sure how much salt they use.
hope this helps.

Not long now till we go to PP 12 weeks!

can any one tell me if buggys or strollers are available to hire if so do they have sun canopies and how much do they cost?
Dont know whever to take one for my son who has just turned three for when he gets extra tried.
Thanks sarah
can any one tell me if buggys or strollers are available to hire if so do they have sun canopies and how much do they cost?
While we were last year the only buggy's i saw were peoples own...never saw anywhere that would hire them either...I would check with First Choice on that one

Katy xx
Katy, from all the PP/PT chat that there has been, yours in my mind has been the most constructive going, well done. I went too last year with my family and won't go again but the advise you have given to parents of a young child was superb. Well done again, Barnio.
Whilst i wouldn't go back or recommend it I like to think that i can help those who are going with the knowledge I have come away with... At the end of the day some will love it, some will hate it, no-bodys right or wrong in an opinion

I have tried very hard to put across that it IS just my opinion and I am glad it is being read that way, at least by some

If i can help i will, if just one little piece of info helps another to have a bloody good, well earned holiday then I will be happy.
So to everyone going I sincerely hope you enjoy it

Katy xx
in my opinion the buggies that were available for hire were not very good, they did have a small sun canopy but not good enough to keep the sun off him. if i were you i would take your own if you have one because there is so much going on he will definatly get tired.

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