i meant the soft drinks that are part of the AI, quite possibly they are ok to give to a young child, i just wouldn't want the responsibility of saying they were ok and then the baby getting a stomach upset.
my husband has just piped up and said that he saw people filling up babies bottles with the soft drinks from the dispensers. (think i'd still stick to the water though for a 1 year old)
well the hotel is brill as is the entertement.
lots to do on site . abit of bad news there is abit of food poisonig there at the mo . firstchoise had some top pepole out there as it was bad . and chic poxs and little things in your kids hair .so dont be put of as it is a good resort for famalys. ps take lots of imodeam.
She is out there at the minute and has text me to ask you guys of anyone has been to the DR for an ear infection?
If you have how much did it cost? Did the price include the medication?
What medication was given?
Bit worried about the food poisioning ill ask her about that in my next text!!!!!
Only 5 days left to wait and thankfully both mine have just finished with the chickenpox so no worries there.
Thanks Viv....i would never been giving him the juice anyway just my own juice with the water....wouldnt ever give him anything when i dont exactly know what it is.
it will cost you £30 .then you have to pay for yor medisons
i did see a lot of pepole with ear enficsion they are esay to spot
they all had cotton wool in there ears hope this helps .as for the food poisoning there was one lad of 10 that got it and was in hopital for 4 days
after beeing unwell for 3days before hand .he was only there for 2 days before he got sick. my we girl got it and was ill for 5 days she did not go to hospital as we made here drink lots of water .
Does anyone know if First choice(FC) have made any statement about the food poisoning?
Is the outbreak getting any better?
with regard to the head lice are FC providing any medicated shampoo, or do we have to pack our own

Really looking forward to holiday and do not want to blow the food poisoning out of proportion but would like to go "fully armed"
5 days to go !!!!!!!!!!!
Ive just had a text from Hayley who said she has heard a few people complaining about bad tummies but all her family have been there since monday and are fine.
she said the snacks bars are v.busy at lunch so possibly better to eat in restaurant.
Do you go on Thurs from Manchester?
She said tell everyone not to worry as well as some people obviously having food posioning some may also be ill from sunstroke as it is very hot and a few people are burnt.
She said it is very busy but FAB!!!

We fly on Thursday but from Birmingham. What time do you get there? We are staying in a Kid's Den, what about you? Do you have any identifying features that you want to admit to?

My children are 5 and 9, both booked in to activites (son - football and daughter - swimming) I am packing lots of books!!
See you there!!
there is a shelf unit behind the reps desk in reception (where you book for themed restaurants) where you can swap any books you've finished for some that other people have left behind. I swapped 3 before I came home and left a couple behind without swapping to reduce the weight of my case.
My son is 5 and booked into football he is 6 the week we get back and gutted that he cant go into the older club with his 2 cousins.
Is it your son or daughter that is 5?
I have a baby aswell so wont get much book reading time!!!
Hayley seems to be having a fab time so im not worrying too much....they went last year aswell.
Head lice is mentioned too - can I just point out head lice don't fly so its hardly worth worrying about unless your children have their heads stuck on other children's heads - usually its the smaller ones that pick these up but tea tree shampoo and plenty of conditioner is brilliant for them so take some with you.
Try not to worry - we went just after it was built and the horror stories were emerging, tv programmes out and every posting on here was a nightmare but let me tell you it was fantastic and one of our best holidays - go with an open mind and enjoy it - a holiday is what you make it. It is a brilliant place

my husband had 1 day when he felt bad, but it was mainly because he hardly eats any fruit and veg when he's at home but suddenly turns into the salad king whenever he gets within a sniff of the med, his unsuspecting stomach can't handle it. Whereas the rest of us, who eat properly all year round, were fine.
we thoroughly enjoyed all the food, please don't be put off from trying things just because of stories you've read on here. (maybe stories was the wrong word, but you know what i mean!)
Hope the bugs are all gone by then. Flying from m/chester at 15.55 arriving there about 10 .Viv are you flying from there if so see you ther

Is it mad when you get ther to check in are is it a quick process?

Hi all, been back a week now, and wish i was still there!, we were in a party of 12 and we couldnt fault a thing, hotel and grounds are spotlessly clean as are the restaurants and bar areas. The food was amazing and so well presented at every meal time, absolutely spoilt for choice. Weather was v. hot and getting hotter, jeep safari definately recommended, good way to keep cool !!! The men organising this are brilliant fun and really make the day, be prepared to join in, but you wont get a choice in any case !! The mud bath was an experience!. Me and a friend took up the special offer at the hotel of a turkish massage, and it was the most fabulous feeling, definately recommend that one, only about £40 for a two hour pampering session. People very friendly, kids were on first name terms with a lot of the waiters. Couple of our kids did get an ear infection but was efficiently dealt with by dr on site, cost about £60 which you can claim back on insurance but to be fair they tend to suffer with ear problems in any case so would probably have got one anywhere. Check in was hassle free, and having your luggage taken to your room was luxury. Could go on and on but wont take up too much room, if i can answer anything else i will try. Happy holidays !
This question is for people who booked a kids den and expected a tv and playstation in the kids section of the room. Did you complain when you returned? Did you receive any money back? I have been offered half of my £224 supplement but I am not happy with £112, I want the whole £224 supplement back as we would not have booked the kids den if the wording in the brochure was correct.
First Choice have admitted the wording is misleading but refuse to reimburse the whole supplement. I have complained to bbc Watchdog http://www.bbc.co.uk/consumer/tv_and_radio/watchdog/ and awaiting a reply and I will be contacting trading standards, does anyone have any other ideas?
Many thanks
We went to the palace last september. We complained about the kids den whilst out there and when we got back. We paid nearly £400 extra for the kids den. I have written numerous letters and made numerous phone calls and haven't had 1 reply yet. I have given up.
We have booked a Kids Den and we are going this Thursday. Was there a PlayStation available from reception? Can the TV in the main part of the room be moved to the children's sleeping area? What are the rooms like other than the lack of TV?
We saw other family rooms without the kids den.The room opposite us was exactly the same apart from the bunk beds, there were 2 singles. We moved the tv from our room into the kids room and yes you got the playstaion from reception. We didn't think we would be paying £400 just for bunkbeds.

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