Caribbean Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in the Caribbean
Tavelling to Playa Del Carmen, Mexico. Are innoculations necessary for Mexico.....I have already had Typhoid, Hep A and Hep B for Dom Rep. Is this ok? Is it true that you don't need Malaria tablets for Mexico?
hi can anyone tell me if its too late for jabs for mexico if departing in 2 weeks and does anyone ask for proof that you have had them? thanks
dont know about the proof thing for mexico, but better late than never is always a good thing. we have had jabs for dom rep and we were not given any paperwork.
Just had my jabs last week for DR. Had some stuff given to me by the nurse about the vaccinations and a little card showing the ones I have had and when they expire.

I had 2 jabs, but they contained more than one vaccine. Think it was HepA, Tetanus, Typhoid, Diptheria, Polio and something else. Arm really ached after the Tetanus for about 2 days!

As for malaria, the north of the island she said was low risk so its up to us if we take a tablet or not. I dont think I will bother, i'll just spray myself with repellent! I think she mentioned that you need to go at least 6 weeks before leaving for the Typhoid one to be effective.
just been to superdrug for malaria tabs for mexico. the pharmicist looked on computer and said that you didnt have to have them but would check up for us if we wanted to call back. a little later we called back and she said she had phoned the centre for tropical diseases and they said you did not need them for urban and tourist areas of mexico.
have just taken first dose of malaria (chloroquine) for dom rep. for those of you who have kids who need to take malaria DO NOT BUY LIQUID FORM, it tastes vile, had a mad dash to chemist to get tablets which can be crushed and hidden in a spoon of yoghurt :lol:
just had my jabs for Dom Rep.

how many people on here bothered to take malaria tablets??

I got some-but unsure whether to take them
-alot of people dont if they arent going to venture out to game reserves, national parks etc.
well probably stay by the ool beach + just go out to ocean world.

Hi care bear
on the subject of crushing ANY tablets, not just chloroquine, you need to be absolutely sure that this is OK.
Some tablets get into your system too quickly when crushed, instead of being released slowly.

Hope you enjoy your holiday.

I found the same information on Mexico (not necessary to take Malaria tablets for urban & tourist areas) after rummaging around on the internet.

My hubby needed a Hep A booster (I'm up to date) and when he went to the nurse at our surgery, she didn't mention Malaria tablets at all.

Did you take the tablets?

We're going to Cancun in 2 weeks time, I think I may pop into our local Boots chemist to see what they say.

Hi travel agent gem- we have just returned from dom rep and we allgot bitten regardless of where we were and what we were doing. take the tablets!!
as regards the gran ventana- it depends on what you want. the beata block looked beautiful(quiet pool), the saona and catalina block both overlook the main pool and back onto the beach. catalina is closest to the entertainment, but to be honest its not ahuge complex so would prob be a bit noisy wherever you are, but entertainment tends to finish at about 11.30.
book your trips through isaira tours(website available)pm me if you want to know anything else and take lots of pencils!!
I believe that not all mosquitoes carry the Malaria parasite, one website says there's about 380 species of anopheline mosquito, but only 60 or so are able to transmit the parasite (which causes Malaria).

So, even if you get bitten by a mozzie and are not taking the tablets, it doesn't mean that you will contract Malaria.

Conversely, as moquitoes are pretty good at mutating to develop resistance to the drugs normally used to combat the parasite that causes the disease, even if you do take the tablets, it doesn't mean that you won't get Malaria if bitten.

I think everyone should check with doctors, chemists and various health websites and then decide for themselves.

I've done this and will not be taking Malaria tablets when we visit Cancun next week.
We will, however, ensure that we cover up our legs & arms and use appropriate insect spray especially around dusk, evening and dawn.

hi pretty polly cat- don't assume that will work on its own, we used mozzie spray, a room plug in and aircon and knockout spray, but we still got bit. :(
Hi care bear
we do always take every precaution not to be bitten, using sprays (including Avon Skin-So-Soft), anti-mozzie coils, the plug-in type, making sure we cover up and avoiding sitting at tables near lots of foliage or water.
I was just making the point (to your earlier post)
we have just returned from dom rep and we allgot bitten regardless of where we were and what we were doing. take the tablets!!

that taking Malaria tablets does not stop you from getting bitten.


We are off to the DR on 22 Nov. We had all our jags (I took a reaction the Tetanus/polio/diptheria) but was fine with the Typhoide - think I was just unlucky - was feelin uner the weather at the time. We are also going to take our Malaria tablets, although the risk is low, these little blighters have wings and can fly! Just takes one person to get bitten that has the infection for it to spread. Better to be safe than sorry - I want to remember my holiday for all the right reasons :lol:
hi prettypolly- i know the tablets dont stop you from getting bitten. what i meant was that it doesnt matter what you use you may still get bitten, and that can cause malaria. obviously its a personal choice, but it isnt recommended by doctors etc for nothing. :)
my point exactly fi fi. they dont taste too bad and althouh we had headaches the next day we were fine.
Well hubby and I will be taking everything that is on offer :lol: this is our first time without children (my son is in his late teens) so we want to make the most of it. If the little blighters want a nibble then they need to fight off all the little immunisations cells running through our bodies. :wink:

On a serious note, it is everybodies personal choice to take malaria tablets, a friend of mine was really poorly on the whole of her holiday. However, I will still take them no matter what.......

got quiet a shock today in the chemist went to get malaria tablets for the dom rep and the worked out how many packs we will need per adult/child
adult =21-50 for 5 packs
child age 14 = 17-20 for 4 packs
child age 5 = 12-90 for 3 packs

so its going to cost me £73.10 for myself hubby and 2 kids, is that dear, i think so, any ideas from anyone were i can get them cheaper

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