Your welcome Loulou - sorry for the mix up.
I'll definatly let you know how it was we're so looking forward to it now, but i can't believe how quick it's come round. we booked it in september last year & it's nearly here. Yours will be to. We get back on 13th september so i'll let everyone know how it went.
I'm pleased you've been told the date, I'll have to let you know what it was like at the town hall, it does look nice & knowing we've got the option of getting married outside to. Did you email your hotel?
Where are you having your reception in the hotel or somewhere else. we're looking at going to a restaurant but we've not chosen one yet but the wedding co ordinator said she'll take us round a few when we get there. There's only going to be 8 of us so i think the hotel reception will be a bit big for just the 8 of us.
speak to you soon
we fly out on the 27th so I'll be thinking of you on your special day (I'll have a drink for you at the airport!) Our anniversary is the 29th Sept and we're thinking of going back to the Atlantida where we had our reception for a meal.

hope everything is going well for you, it doesn't seem that long ago that you were asking me about the Avanti Village does it? Not long now is it?
Good luck and all the best to everyone getting married in Cyprus, it was the best day of our lives!

i can't believe how quick it's come round, we're so excited now we can't wait for it to be here but in a way i don't want it to be because i know it will go so quick.
I'll let you know how we get on
I know just how you feel, it's hard to believe that this time last year we were where you are now!

All the best Stacey, be thinking of you.
i'll be there at the same time as you, staying at the cypria bay too, wedding 29th may 2007. i'm sure we'll bump into each other, have you booked your reception. i loved zucchini's but its booked, have you any thoughts?
I'm a new member and just wondered if anybody has been to yeroskipou, as that is where I get married next year?

Are you having return party's? If so are you putting anything in your invites about gifts!!!
A tricky one your views would be appreciated.
We are trying to decide where to have our reception- its at the end of September and would be at about 3pm. Would it be too hot to eat outdoors at 3pm? We are uncertain as which venue to choose? One outdoors with a sea view, or one indoors with air-conditioning and no view? Any help would be appreciated!!
So glad that i have been told the date & the piper has emailed to confirm that he can make that date and time which is fantastic.
I havent emailed the hotel yet but im going to do it right now and let you know how i get on.
How many days now until you go?? I look forward to hearing all about your special day & will be thiking of you on the big day 06.09.06 at (11 am our time) 1pm Cyprus.
We have not booked anything for areception, i think we will wait and see what the hotel has to offer first, there are 11 of us going so it's a nice number not too many people.
Chat to you soon luv
Mandy xx
Edited by
2006-08-18 00:18:31
Well I bet you will have a ball going back to Paphos for your 1st Anniversary, thats so romantic. Awwww

M xxx
Yes we are having a return party on the 7th October. The invites went out last week. I didnt do a gift list or put anything in the invitations about presents etc i felt that we have most things in the house that we want already.
We have had a few replies back already, some people have sent money, cheques etc & one person even sent us cypriot money.
I suppose it all depends on your circumstances, if i was just starting out with a new house etc then i would probably have put out a gift list. Gift lists are a good idea as you dont want to end up with 5 kettles or 8 toasters but i think it all depends on what you are comfortable with. I remember going to a friends wedding recently and her gift list was a bit OTT, she had an £800 dyson washing machine on it!!!!!!!!
Mandy xx
Thanks for the reply, do you think its rude to put a small note in the invites asking politely for money?
Only 12 days until we go & counting. It can't come soon enough with the weather we're having at the minute.
Hi annette
I don't think it's cheeky putting a little note in i think people would rather give you what you want & need than buying you a present that you don't need. When people have asked us what we want we've said money or vouchers & they were happy with that.
speak to you soon stacey
I plan to get married in June 2008 using the chapel in the adams beach hotel. i was then thinking of a canape lunch with a bbq on the night with cypriot dancers. has anyone married at this hotel and can you recommend anything as im abit in the dark with it all. Cheers

I dont think it's rude at all to ask for money, as Stacey said people would rather give you something that you can use.
Apparently my mother in law to be (we get on fantastic most of the time

Dont know if its just me but over the past few days my arrangements have all fallen into place but i seem to be acting like a mad woman, cant eat sleep

Stacey - 11 Days to go for you now!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOO

Dawn - We havent been to Yeroskipou but we get married in the town hall 5 weeks on wednesday so i will let you know how we get on.
Speak to you soon
Mandy xx

many thanks.
It is very traditional in Cyprus for the Bride and Groom to receive money at their wedding, so no, it's not rude - its local tradition

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