hi Pmadi,i do hope your day in court goes well,all of us i am sure are on your side.
its unbelievable that this fiasco is still going on.i wish we new just how many people are still hoping for a cruise and how many have just faded away .
I hope 2007 means you get a fantastic cruise.good luck. carol
Will keep informed as any progress is made, nothing new yet but would advise any who are considering action to take the plunge. Too often people take the attitude of letting it go past , complaicency is what the DE is relying on to get them out of this mess! They made enough on the additional sales during the promotion i'm sure!.
It would be interesting to see just how much their sales increased during that period, anyone any ideas where to go to to find out?
Regards to all
Paul M

In my opinion, every single person who made a satisfactory application deserves to get a cruise or reasonable compensation (and I don't mean a paltry £150 or a book of comparatively useless vouchers!)
I hear that the Express is not in the best of financial position. Its sales are falling and there have been quite a few staff redundancies, including getting rid of all their sub-editors. This may be why they are reluctant to pay for the cruises, even though people are entitled to them
This fiasco cost a certain travel promotions company a great deal, almost bringing it to it's knees. The latent liabilities have now been passed to the DE and potentially remain at many £M, a situation that may well be highlighted, to the surprise of the financial markets, as the actions over the next few months are heard and attract publicity.
Frankly they only have themselves to blame. Much of this could have been avoided by being open and honest about the situation and not issuing 'final' letters on dubious grounds.
After catching on the last couple of pages, I would be extremely interested to know what the Express's Defence will say when asked what Crusiers such as myself did differently to be, eventually, offered their £10 cruise? So what did I do???
1. I collected 35 differently numbered tokens.
2. I sent off my application as advised re: postage/deadlines etc
3. After phoning/chasing a certain travel agent I was offered a Louis Line Cruise to Libya which I accepted. (Surely if there had been a problem with the application people would not have been offered a cruise).
4. This was then cancelled - I only found this out via this site!
5. Phoned the Marketing Department at the Express and kicked up a fuss - was told no other complaints had been received!!!!
6. Was offered a cruise over the phone, chose to upgrade to a cruise that hit Rome.
7. Hey presto - I went cruising in September 2005.
What did those who have not yet got their cruises do differently?
I'm sure, if it will be of any help, lpeople on this site would provide written details of how they received their cruises if this would help anyone's court case?
find it interesting that The Sun newspaper can successfully advertise and (to my knowledge) adhere to their annual £9.50 holidays with no effort and yet the Express, who sell themselves as being a tad better than The Sun, cannot be honest, transparent about an offer they made. Unbelievable.
Sorry for waffling on but I'm actually incensed on your behalves that the media appear to have closed ranks on this, frankly, dodgy offer.
Good luck to everyone fighting for their cruises - it is worth it - I'm hooked.
Managed to get a few figures about the circulation but incomplete.
01 Mar 04 - 28 Mar 04: 942,171 (Source: ABC)
29 Mar 04 - 02 May 04: 940,849 (Source: ABC)
missing numbers for the start
31 May 04 - 27 Jun 04: 957,876 (Source: ABC)
02 Aug 04 - 29 Aug 04: 960,710 (Source: ABC)
27 Nov 06 - 31 Dec 06: 773,768 (Source: ABC)
If you can access the ABC site (INVALID URL but they charge,
you should be able to get all the figures.
Hope you and all those going to court get good settlements.
I think there are about six other HT members who are near to getting their dates so please do let us all know what they are as they come through. Whoever goes first is bound to attract the most attention and I think there are many here who would like to attend, in support, if it is to be a public hearing.
Good luck all.....crunch time soon

Goodness, what a long time to wait. It will be interesting to see if cases in other areas are heard much before your date, or whether that is the norm. You might get a cruise in 2008!!! Only 4 years later than expected.
Many thanks for the info re circulation, it certainly confirms what has been said about the falling figures and possebly the reasoning behind the DE failing to honour their commitments!
Still no news worth passing on as yet, but will advise all of any progress

Regards to all

I just woke it's now the 23rd 12:30AM I tried yesterday to complete my online claim the DE had till 21st to acknowledge but when I clicked on judgment button yesterday 22nd I was told I had not given them enough time to reply, I tried now 23rd and my claim was accepted, I've asked for immediate payment and although I'm a little sleepy I don't see I've made any mistake. I feel disappointed though I wanted my cruise and for someone to sort it out for me and they couldn't even bother to respond, Oh well glass of wine and back to sleep see what the morning brings.
I know it wasn't exactly the result you wanted Redo and I'm sorry you didn't get your cruise, but at least it seems they have to pay you the appropriate compensation which should go some way to softening the disappointment. If you manage to get £1,000 less the fees it will help pay for a holiday of your choice, which at least you can book in the expectation of actually getting it.
Oh you must feel a bit thwarted Redo but just think - YOU WON! I know you won't have quite the same satisfaction but there's no escaping it- you did win! Here's hoping this is just the start of a great bunch of undefended claims! What more proof is needed that your claims are justified!
I rang the Online Money court helpline today and they told me I have to wait 24 hours for my judgment to show on their system and then I can issue a warrant against The DE but that I should wait and only issue it if they don't pay. I just checked the website and I now have that option but will wait and see for a few days. They also told me that The DE could raise an objection to my claim, when I asked but they've had the required number of days to do that the person I spoke to was a bit vague and said well they could say the address was wrong, so I checked the address I'd given the court with the address on my non valid cruise letter and it was exactly the same. I'm going to ring again tomorrow then my judgment will be on their system and ask what to do next.
I do urge anyone whose a bit worried about making an online claim to do so, I was very intimidated by the prospect of filling in the forms and all it entailed but it's so easy and if your not sure they have a helpline and they answer the phone and you talk to someone not a machine. I'm happy even though my experience is limited to help anyone contemplating court action, please go for it. I'd just separated from my Wife a few months earlier in MAY 2004 and collecting the coupons every day was a bit of light at the end of a long tunnel that helped me keep going. If I get my cheque from the DE I'm gonna shake off my Yorkshire carefulness with money lol and go for a good hol and hopefully enjoy every minute.
I'll keep posting cheers
Edited by
2007-01-24 06:46:17
Well done, Richard, you deserve it!
Just rang online claim people and asked what to do, very helpful woman very interested in Cruises that didn't story, she said just to wait a few days and if I don't receive a cheque from DE to issue a warrant and they'll send bailiffs round. it cost £55 but it's added to the debt so I get it back. I asked does this mean I'll get the money and she yes, she said they could refuse to pay but if they do, issue the warrant.
I'm getting slightly excited :-)
Please, please let us know what happens. I'm waiting for them to say you must sign a confidentiality clause before you get the money!!!!
Also, would anyone else be interested in sending a petition? What I propose is to collect a list of names and e-mail addresses and send them, in bulk, to the Daily Express and BBC Watchdog. Another idea would be to arrange a class-action lawsuit. I have had enough of this and it is time to take some decisive action.
the web address for money claim online is https://www.moneyclaim.gov.uk/csmco2/index.jsp
You will need to register with them a user name and password, then just follow the instructions. There is some mismatch with The DE's postcode and address the court service says the postcode doesn't match the address, it did worry me at first but I double checked and I copied the address and postcode exactly as is written on my rejection letter. I cannot see how The DE could claim my action was addressed wrongly as I used the address on their letter.
You then have to write a brief description of your claim, I've included the text from myclaim you can edit it to suit yours if you want. I must also acknowledge Wallecan for his input with the text for my claim and general advice.
"In May 2004 the Daily Express ran an offer
entitled Cruise for just £10 for every
reader. To fulfill this offer I had to
collect 35 different tokens which were
printed in the newspaper. I did this by
purchasing all the relevant editions during
May and June and sent them off. I was then
sent a £10.00 Cruise Offer Voucher which I
was asked to complete authorising a payment
of £10 from my Credit Card. A Mediterranean
Cruise for 7 days from 23rd May 2005 with
Louis Cruise Lines was then allocated to me
but was never supplied.
I have fully complied at all stages with all
the terms and have letters confirming the
allocation of my cruise. Despite this the
Daily Express has refused to fulfill the
cruise offer, or supply any alternative. My
claim is for the cost of purchasing the same
cruise with Louis Cruise lines I was
origionally offered, I have a written
quotation from Louis Cruise Lines"
Email me and I'll send you my phone number if you want any more advice.
Also read the posts from Marcus he was the first of the members of this forum to successfully take the DE to court and inspiration to many others I would guess.
I must acknowledge all the members of this forum who's posts and advice helped to hopefully obtain the cash equivalent of a cruise, I say hopefully because I haven't got the cheque yet and it seemed so easy. But I take heart from the lady I spoke to at the money claim online office who told me I would get the cheque, I have to let them know when it arrives so they can close the case.
I also worried a little when I asked if they send out the claim by recorded delivery and was told no, but then remembered when I submitted my claim that I received three exactly the same letters detailing my case three days in a row, I guess they use this method to insure the defendant in any claim cannot say the letter must have got lost in the post, one letter maybe but not three on three consecutive days. The more I mull these facts over the more confident I become and the more I must emphasise to all of you out there if you've not had your cruise then apply online. And I'll help within my means anyone who's thinking of applying.
As soon as I receive my cheque I'll let you all know.
Thanks Richard- much appreciated. I will be commencing my action within the next few days. I have a couple of quotes for various cruises, including the Libya cruise that I was initially offered.

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