Thanks everyone. I decided not to think of this as dieting, but a change of lifestyle/eating habits. I know some of the groups/meetings help people - I have been to one before - but I am not keen on the idea of any kind of points system, and saving up "treats" for the weekend etc.
So, what I did was joined a gym and I now go 4 - 5 times a week, doing treadmill, rower, some weights and swimming. I never eat any carbs after 7, and I use recipes from a healthy eating book for dinner. I try to eat plenty veg/fruit, fibre at breakfast, something low GI at lunch so that I feel full up and get that slow release energy rather than a burst followed by a slump - which I always had around 2.30pm.
I very rarely eat bread now, no lunchtime sarnies anymore, and I was addicted to crisps which I also stopped. Sometimes I do have these things, but only occasionally and not every day. I also gave up wine - that has been hard sometimes but it has loads of empty calories and also encouraged me to nibble!
My skin is very smooth now which was an added benefit, and I have loads more energy. Sometimes it is hard when you stick and don't lose any weight for a few days, but I have tried not to be discouraged and keep at it. Did have a couple of vodkas at the weekend and my daughter made chocolate brownies, so I had to sample them, but I don't feel guilty because I know I have changed my life for the better.
I can't believe I didn't do this before now - I was forced into exercise because of chronic sciatica, and it was actually the best think that ever happened to me - I really needed a push to do something.
I don't feel that I am on a diet - I am on a healthy eating plan, and I am really pleased at what I have achieved so far. My blood pressure has dropped, my cholesterol is below average and those clothes shops are suddenly open to me now.
Everyone is doing really well here, even when we have the odd blips - hey, nobody's perfect. If I can do this, anyone can and I have surprised myself. My advice is not to get disheartened when things don't go so well, and be thrilled when they do and you can feel such a sense of achievement. I honestly feel like a new woman even though I still have some way to go. The way I think about it is that I put on this weight over a long period of time, so I'm not going to change overnight - it will be a slog, but oh so worth it.
My ambition is that by October I will be in a bikini when my hubby and I go off for a week to a 5 star luxury hotel in Cyprus! I would never have thought that would be a possibility, but it is now.
Think positive everyone, and keep going - my 32lb loss means about 16 bags of sugar in weight that I am not carting round any more and that's got to be good!!!
Sorry for the ramble - I am so excited today !!