I need to get back into a routine, after coming back from holidays...July 2011 havent been to the gym on a regular basis, or have been watching what I eat
At the moment, my weight is around 95kg, and my last time I weighed my self June 2011, weighed in at 88kg, so I have put on a few pounds
First thing, going to need to get my gym membership, started up again, and set my self a target, for June 2012, and for June 2012 I want to lose at least 3 stones, and get my self under 12-13 stones
This year alos, insted of just doing cardio exercise, looking to tone up, and improve my general well being
Not going to do alot of exercise until after the new year, but will head to the gym for a few times during the week, once I start going to the gym, I can properly add my weight here