Time to start again tomorrow after our 3 night post New year break in
Torquay,not looking forward to getting back on the scales,doing
SW on line ,did much better when going to a class,tend to cheat a bit
0.5lb on at weigh in. Not bad considering I have been gorging on choccies. So that's 2.5lb on in total over Christmas and New Year. I must get back on track...so why did I buy a tray of mince pies from Costco this morning ? For everyone else of course
Put 2lb on over New Year, back to the Gym on Tuesday, so from 17st 11lbs I'm now down to 17st 6lbs. It's hard graft on the rower but it's working.
Low impact and steady away seems to work better.
hbrac, those mince pies from Costco aren't mince pies - they're ruddy cakes!!!!
Not likely to be back on SW before this time next week.
A work colleague has just brought in an 'unwanted' christmas cake.
Still lots of goodies at home as well.
I had a full house of lunch guests yesterday so I went to keep fit today and will try and cut back for the next few days and see if I can claw back the excess before weigh in on Thursday. I don't think anybody can really get into the swing of things properly until the kids are back at school and Uni and we are back into our day to day routines.
Sons are back at college here and I am back at school but still can't get into SW mode...............
Went to SW class tonight but didn't wiegh in, just helped with taking the money as usual.
Maintained on Tuesday . Am sure I won't have lost an ounce next week because I've been scoffing crisps and guzzling the old grape juice nearly every night . Beginning to think I'm wasting my money since I paid upfront for 10 weeks
hi everyone
i've started dieting again, i'd given up for the last year cos i can't stick to one. anyway i started using my old slimming world books a week last sunday and so far have lost 9lb, i know it comes of fast at first but im really gonna give it a good go this time.
i[d like to lose 4 stone but would be happy with two. my weigh in day is sunday on my scales in kitchen, so i'll be coming on here to let you all know how i've got on and to see how everyone else is doing
regards tracey
9lbs loss is an excellent start Tracey. As I'm getting older, I'm finding it much harder to lose weight. Even a 1lb loss for me, which I had this week, now creates a lot of excitement. Ideally I'd like to lose a stone- realistically I'd be happy with 1/2 stone by my summer jollies, but even this will be exceedingly hard for me to do.
Well done ladies - back on SW today as most of goodies have now gone and what is left I can do without.
Had a brilliant SW day 1.
Have made a huge pan of lentil and carrot soup and tomorrow night I will be making mushroom soup.
First target is to lose half a stone and then see how it goes from there - trying to book our jollies so that gives me an incentive.
Well I maintained this week, which I was a bit fed up with but I tried my bikini on (which I couldn't fasten the back just after Xmas) and it fitted, suppose I've lost 12lbs since just after Xmas so it's something to keep my chin up. Hopefully the weight loss will catch up next week. Wii fit and Zumba for me and lots of slimming world home made soup
Keep going dramaqueen - 12lbs since Christmas is brilliant.
Well - I am so 'fed up' with myself at the moment I have been comfort eating........... Have a good day and then 2 /3 bad days - what is the matter with me?
Found some matchmakers earlier oh.......... and they are orange flavour my favourite.
hi everyone
i mantained when i got weighed yesterday so 9lb off in 2 weeks. happy though as still as focused as ever.
good luck to everyone.
regards tracey
just had breakfast bacon,poached eggs,mushrooms all free food on red day with slimming world and 2 weight watchers bread toasted(a healthy extra) and it was lovely, so full up now.
keep up the good work everyone.
regards tracey