Have been keeping to my diet, bowl sultan bran, salad for lunch, cooked chicked for dinner
As for exercise 4-6 days per week, have now go uo to doing 75 min treadmill non stop, with 15 min of incline...2 min intervals +1 incline increase, max incline 7.5; next 15 decrease the incline by 0.5 per min; 15 min of just walking, then repeat the first step, and cool down
Go for a swim, and try to do 15-20 lengths of the pool, and then home for dinner
Now my weight today 27 March 2012 is 196 lbs
So from my last posting I have lost 5 lbs, intending also this week to speak to the guys in the gym, and see what we recorded my weight at in Aug 2010, and by my reconning i have lost under 4 stones in weight in the last 18 months