Sorry Jayne, wasn't trying to be cruel I thought everyone was this lovely bronze colour, just a honest query about the meet tomorrow, so I guess you won't be there
I don't think we'll make it tonight as it's a volunteers leaving do (sorry guys...). I hope you all have a great time and hopefully see you next week... Man Flu... Not getting better I'm affraid, it hasn't helped with having a tooth infection, went to the dentist this morning and had my gum cut away due to having a 'compacted' tooth. :os - if we get chance and aren't too tired we might pop in after...
Hi Lin b, weathers not to bad in Surrey, not quite as hot as Goa though I suppose . Only another 12 months to go and I'll be back...... This time I'd made goa sound so great the girlfriend wants to come over with me.....
We'll hopefully be at the meet up on the 15th of March - anyone else?? Will Lazy Days be easy enough to find? Will anyone else there be easy enough to find?? Or should we all wear red carnations?! haha
IMPORTANT NOTE - Lazy Days won't be able to accomodate us tomorrow 1st March as they have a party on, I know it's late notice and I'm sorry for that, but I'm sure CSM will be accomodating as it's Karoke there....
Hello everyone,This queation is for Rob. We are staying at the Beira Mar from 10th -24th of March and hope to bring clothes out as my friends in work are collecting for me. We go to Mandrem for 10 days on 12th(a sunday) and are worried that we may not be able to meet up with yourselves in Lazydays (we have already met goandentist as he did a great job with our teeth in December!!). Can we drop clothes off in Lazydays or have you another drop off point?
You can drop things off at Lazy Days if you want or you can visit the Mango House if you are anywhere near Mapusa one day. Aldolf at Lazy Days is very nice so he will take things off you for us, otherwise just give us a call and we can arrange for you too either visit us or come and pick the stuff up from you
Thank you Shermina for your prompt reply. We will wait and see if we can come to Mango house in Mapusa as it is short distance from Mandrem. otherwise will leave at lazydays.Thanks again!!