see my post on this page for trips MAKE SURE you only book with a member company of TEZ [Zakynthos tourist association] on day trips to Turkey your fee should include your day pass to enter the country [ask the tour operator if its included] don't expect to bring much back in the way of goodies as the Greek customs can be very officious
please ignor refrances t TEZ [wrong island]
we going with thomas cook does anyone know if they do day trips to kos i know they do day trip to bodrum
never been to greece before this is out first visit we really looking forward to it
hopefully still warm enough to gofora dip on sea and swim in pool

postead about TEZ [wrong island] picked up the wrong file..
FOR TRIPS FRM KARDAMENA try Harriet Travel just off the main square thats who we used last time english run travel shop they do turkey trips from Kardamena Harbour save going t Kos harbour
click on the blue link in the post above yours....... these are a lot cheaper than tour operator trips [if your interested in saving a few Evro]
contact details.. Harriet Travel , Kardamena Kos tel kos 2242091941 fax 2242091927
thank you for the info
we only go at the begining of the season[first 2 wks May] they are running then
Even with two taxi's the cost according to HERE should only be about 30 euros each so 60 Euros in total. You could also try HERE for shuttle bus prices. Shuttle price to Lambi seems to be about £9.00 each, even a taxi to Lambi on there is only £40.00.
HERE shows cost of shuttle and private 12 seater to Lambi which is the nearest resort to the hotel. £85 for private minibus and £9.11 per person on the shuttle bus.
There are usually taxis outside the airport, but you may have to wait depending on availability.
Hope this helps.
Thanks very much Dougie, 13 hours till plane takes off (fingers crossed!)
Katie xxx
Just a thought, saw a holiday advert, Birmingham- Kos 17th Sept young and lively 1 week self catering £167. As myself and the wife decided not to go this year normally around this date due to the cost of flights, £300 each.(we know and stay at a studio run by a lady we have got to know over many years)£167 possed a thought.What if we took this option and didnt stay at allocated accom but with our friend,just a thought?
Mummy has mentioned about going to the foam party so be warned!
Idealy like somewhere on the first night after the flight just to chill. i.e. Greek local bar in walking distance. But hey if its 30 mins walk away and they are still open...comments please
Whizzy Lizzy
whizzylizzy wrote:Have booked Cleopatra Superer hotel in kardemena Kos. September 17th flying from manchester thomson 18:35. Has anyone had any experience of this flight and this hotel, and when we get there is anything still open? Without having to go to party town central ( with my 58 year old mum who hates dance music but does like Billy Idol, U2 and Elvis. ) Was thinking about jumping in a taxi to get there earlier. Its a thursday night. What is still open around the hotel at 2.00 to get a beer and a gyros without all the night club /rep hassle and /dance stuff.
Mummy has mentioned about going to the foam party so be warned!
Idealy like somewhere on the first night after the flight just to chill. i.e. Greek local bar in walking distance. But hey if its 30 mins walk away and they are still open...comments please
Whizzy Lizzy
No experience of that flight I am afraid we always go from East Midlands, but most have our flights have been early morning, the pain is that the return flight is as well, which means paying to keep the room on your day of departure or fidning somewhere to sit around from 12 until your flight, even if you pay for the room, you will only get it until 8pm, so there is still a lot of waiting around.
We actually had a mid afternoon flight this year, which I found much more pleasant. Got to resort about 1:30pm which then left us plenty of time to sort out the going to the supermarket for the essentials and then have a relaxing drink get ready and go out for dinner.
At that time in the morning you are unlikely to be able to get food in a restaurant type environment. Cleopatra Superior is atthe cocktails and dreams and of the resport (as you may kn0w). If you walk down towards the sea from Cocktails and Dreams there is a Snack Attack takeaway place just before you get to the seafront. They will do a Gyros (not the best I have had, but passible just about). Not too sure about the bars that are open at that time I was always tucked up in bed by then lol, but the hotel will have a 24 hour bar (we stayed in the Cleopatra Classic and the drinks prices were on a par with many of the bars). There may also be some of the bars near cocktails and dreams open.
Just enquiring about private taxi transfers. Is it cheaper to pre book or get taxi at airport. So far my searches have shown it is cheaper to get taxi at airport, costing about E35/40 to Agios Fokas one way, compared to E100 prebooking return, so E20 dearer to prebook?!. There are just two of us (women), and my concern is that landing early hours there may be a wait to get a taxi and they may charge the earth, ...thinking two women !
We have pre booked usually and it normally works out cheaper and they are on time, but we have not done this in Greece yet!
Any help appreciated. We leave next week.
Can anyone tell me what the weather is like mid October and are the mozzies a big problem?
Does anyone know how much a taxi is from Kos airport to Psalidi? Thanks
Hi can anyone confirm the if the toilet facillites at hotel accomodation in Kos are the same as other places such as Spain
I would imagine so. I've stayed in a few places around Greece and the toilets have always been the usual type ie not the hole in floor
Thanks I heard the loos do not flush paper and the loo paper has to be put in separate container
You've heard correctly. Although plumbing has got better in Greece there are still quite a few establishments (if I'm not mistaken) where you cannot flush the paper down the loo. This was certainly the case where we stayed in Crete last summer.
It is believed that the flushing WC was probably invented in the Queen's Room at Knossos in Crete when the flushing was carried out by a slave carrying a bucket of water brought 10km by aqueduct from Archanes. Simple but effective. The drains in most of Greece have not improved much since 1700 BC so please use the bin. A blocked drain can cause complicated and expensive excavation works and Arthur Evans isn't around to do this any longer.
The bin is an easy habit to acquire but difficult to lose on returning home

Hi thanks for all your replies I will have rethink about going to Greece

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