Egypt Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Egypt.
LTI Grand Azure *
1176 Posts
Did any of you go in the end? What was it like? Im thinking of booking a holiday in March so im looking for some new reviews!

EDIT: Actually ive just found the other thread ;)
thanks to everyone for al the comments.
We are off to this hotel in March for a week and I have learned lots from all the reviews. One thing i did wonder though, is dose the hotel provide pool towels daily?
Trivial I know, but no towel makes room for more shoes!!
when you arive at the hotel you fill in a form then you hand it in at reception then they give you your key and a welcome pack,inside they give you info on the restaurant time etc...,your all inclusive bands and towel cards for each person in your party. they have a stand of towels at each pool and the beach with staff on them,hand them the cards they give you the towels and when your ready to go in take the towels back and make sure you get your cards back for the next day. they say if you lose your card they charge you for it but i'm not sure if they do or not,it tells you this in you welcome pack. :lol:
Hi I'm new have only recently found this site

Booked to go to Grand Azure, with First Choice 24th feb for 1 week with hubby
First time in Egypt!!!
Has anyone been recently?
How distruptive is the building work?
Any advise on things to do apart from diving!!! I'm not the worlds greatest swimmer!!!!
Is there an ATM available and if so how near?
What do you actually get with the all inclusive package from First Choice


Hope someone can answer my queries :D
Hi Suz
You will be going same time as us. perhaps all HT members should wear a red carnation or something so we all can meet up!! :lol:
We are going with First Choice too, what sort of things did you want to know if included?

Spoke to TA today when collecting paperwork etc. She said it is a fabulous place, one of her colleagues just been, she is thinking of going soon, so that speaks volumes to me.

I am sure you are right, tho the girls were all discussing the 'colleague' by name.
Anyway i am just praying it is a fab holiday and i can post up a glowing report when i get back.
This is a great site and such a good idea, have been telling everyone i know to look here before booking a holiday!!
Rarely surf the web for any sites other than work related, looks like i have missing out. :lol:
Hi Dee
Thanks for the info!!

Really wanted to know if the all inclusive package is as good as it sounds, ie free massage, free haircut, free diving lesson etc or are they just token gestures. Ohh and what is the local booze like!!!! :lol:

Can anyone tell me if the family suites are close to the slide pool, or if this is something you have to request on arrival.
Also will regards to the red and green bands, what are the difference and what colour do you receive when you are in a family suite.
We are going there on the 13th June 2005.

I also have been told about free massage, haircut etc. So must be true?!
don't know about drinks, think there are some posts on that topic further back. Suppose it depends on what you normally drink.

Also, i received this email from hotel yesterday:

Dear Dee

Have a nice day from LTI-Grand Azure Resort Sharm El Sheikh

First let me thank you for your interesting in our resort, and we looking forward to welcoming you in our resort , referring to your inquiry about building works, please be informed that we just make a regular maintenance in our resort as it was usually happen in all hotels all over the world and we don't have any work building therefore you can come and touch by your self our improvement in our resort

Made us chuckle anyway!

Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of further assistance

Dee 8)
the family suites are all around the new 'waterfalls' pool area the green wristlets denote upgraded guests who have a few perks seperate dining area free laundry mini bar in room (stocked daily) oh yeah and you dont pay for imported drinks at bar that is on top of free haircut(i had one!) free massage (never did anything strenuous enought to warrant one!) that every one gets
oh yeah and the slides are basically smack bang in the middle of the complex although they are nearer the 'waterfalls' area than the other two pool areas
r.e. upgrade to green wristbands.
We had email from hotel today, (as we enquired about upgrade), it costs $25 per person per night - bit pricey we thought.
Don't know what other's opinions are and if anyone has done it?
we didnt have any choice in matter! when we booked at travel agent , and when i looked on internet, there were only suites available ( booked aug/sept time for nov holiday) which incurred a £8 pppn supplement worked out just over £200 but travel agent gave us discounts in the region of £150 so worked out as a nice treat as opposed to an expensive addition. apart from size of room and mini bar the only real use is the dining room ( they cook your b fast to order , nice if you like the odd fry up or your own recipe omelletes etc etc ) then of course the imported drinks once you get tired of their drinks and you fancy a baileys tia maria irish coffee etc etc its amazing how much of a taste you get for them which as they are not THAT cheap can really sting you when you go to settle up at the end of your holiday!!!!!
you basically hav eto sit down and work out the pro's and con's of it all!!
I'm off to the LTI in the morning and will post a full update of any works etc as soon as I'm back..

Have a great time Steve
hi the free hair cut etc. is all true,staff walk round the pools to see if you want massages etc.. just mention to them you haven't had your free one, just returned the end of december. the alcohol is fine i mainly drank lager or as they say 'beer' my boyfriend drank the cocktails and really enjoyed them, you'll have a fab time over there,wish i was still there now.
sarah xx

I'm wondering if anybody has been to this hotel Nov/Dec/Jan as i'm due to be going in April, and just swapped to this hotel from the Golden resort due to complaints??

If you could let me know i would be very grateful - what it's like now?

Returned from the Grand Azure on Thurs 27th Jan, brilliant hotel, great staff, spotless resort, going to book for two weeks later in the year.

Please feel free to ask any questions regarding trips, wrist bands, taxi's etc.

I have uploaded photo's of our trip which include panoramac views of the complex including the pools, reception, beach, fish restaurant, tropicana etc.

I will post a full report over the weekend.


Steve 8)
Steve, let me be the first to say thx for letting us see your photos, we fly out on March the 10th and after seeing your pics, i really cannot wait!!!

Once again many thx
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