Other people takıng sımılar precautıons have been bıtten so I thınk ıt must be somethıng to do wıth dıfferent blood groups or somethıng...
They fumıgated the resort on Monday nıght - just when everybody was havıng a nıce drınk and meal

We do seem to have a problem wıth wasps though

That was my last night in the resort cyber..a big cloud of smoke wafted through the hotel as we were doing the music quize..some people who were new in that day had a bit of a panic...was a bit scary for a bit as it did smell quite bad but i do think it is neccessary as we would prob get loads more bites if it wernt for this...nicole
ALso, a citronella candle in the room is always handy at night!

Can i ask you Lisa- how much do you recommend taking.(2 adults and 2 young kids for 2 weeks) thanks.

I got back from pegasus palace in turkey on monday. i tried everything from home and over there to stop getting bitten but nothing stopped it. my legs were really bad and had to go see the doctor twice which was not cheap. one of the bites i had on my right heel was not from a mossie but it swelled up like a huge black purple blood blister and the doctor had to cut it open with a scalpel to get the infection out. the only thing i was given that did cool my legs down was called witch doctor and its a witch hazel gel. i am now on antibiotics from my own doctor to get rid of all the other infected bites. i was in a lot of discomfort on the plane home as my feet and ankles swelled up more. i thought they were gonna pop. next time i go away i will look into anything and everything i can take to prevent this. hope anyone out there has a good holiday and take care.

Despite taking garlic tablets for a week before I went, the little critters still got me. I was itching as soon as I got on the transfer bus to Marmaris.
On waking the following morning I had no less then 15 bites.

A visit to the Eczane (chemist) followed where I bought some OFF! (cost 8YTL, about £3 or so). I had taken anti-histamine cream and tablets with me (which I took for a couple of days to ward off any infection).
From that evening on, after my shower, I sprayed myself from head to toe (not my face though) with OFF! before applying my normal body spray. I also had a plug-in repellent thing in my room.
Result - no more bites the whole week.

One thing I did find useful - I had taken a can of misting spray with me (basically water in a pressurised can) which I kept in the fridge. I used this if I woke during the night when the bites started to itch - instant relief.

The reason I say this is because, when I first visited Rhodes in 1987, I was feasted upon by the little gits on the first night

During the welcome meeting at the hotel the following day, the holiday rep gave us some hints on how to keep the pains in the @r5e at bay; usual stuff like the coils that smoulder all night once you've lit 'em (though these may be considered a fire risk these days), sprays and creams and the electric ones that use impregnated cardboard tablets. One of the latter was purchased the same day and no more bother from the blighters was encountered

Since then I have been to Rhodes five times, Portugal three times and Gran Canaria once. No trouble. All the hotels on these nine occasions were within 100 meters of the sea. I never had to use the Mosquito stoving device once. Splendid.
They are still about though

So then, stay thou by the sea's edge if you can and report back to me if it would seem that my theory on the subject of keeping 'em off of you can be likened to genitals. Some people seem to attract mozzers like cow pats attract their cousins! They must be beyond redemption!
Stan (the) Man.
Edited by
2008-06-14 09:31:24

As I said, once I'd bought the 'Off!' and had the plug in 'thing' up and running permanently, I was fine.

The hotel in Rhodes that I mentioned in my post is in probably one of the noisiest areas of the town. That's the only thing that I don't like about it, apart from it not having its own swimming pool. (Top barman though!)
The apartments in Portugal that I also mentioned are, in comparison, very quiet but the mozzies didn't come a-calling.
Could the sea being so close have something to do with their lack of presence?
The debate continues...

Just returned from Playa del Carmen, Mexico and I can honestly say that Vitamin B1 does work as a mossie repellant. Normally I get bitten as soon as I leave the plane and then for the duration of my holiday. This year I took Vitamin B1 from Holland and Barrett (100mg), 4 weeks before I went (due to a packing error I forgot to pack the Vitamin B1 in my case but none the less I wasn't bitten once).
hi will be going to goa in jan and have read about using skin so soft to keep the mossies at bay my question is which one do i buy the cream or the shower gel can not remember which one was mentioned on here elaine
http://avonshop.co.uk/avonshop/default.asp?department=shop&level1_id=1&level2_id=485&pdept_id=30&dept_id=&pf_id=&level=3 clickon "more soft and fresh" and its the 6th one down
thank you for all your help everyone i will order some today elaine
Its on special offer at £2.50
I just hope I ordered the right one. Its a blue/green spray bottle

yep thats the one
cheers lynwestie
this stuff is fab for keeping the midges away up in scotland too!! By the way!!!

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