in turkey we stayed about 30 foot from the sea, and hubby got eaten alive still.....

It does state on there that garlic, Vitamin B and ultrasound devices do not prevent mosquito bites.
It does state on there that garlic, Vitamin B and ultrasound devices do not prevent mosquito bites.
That's quite correct, they do not prevent mosquito bites and should not be soley relied on, but as I stated in one of my previous posts, the female mosquito is guided in to land on the skin by the CO2 that we expire from our breaths and the aroma given off by bodily functions, therefore masking and disguising these smells will help....not prevent, but help.

Sanji x
I think that ANYTHING at all that helps to reduce bites is worth trying.
I like a lot of garlic in my food anyway, so I guess that might be one reason that I don't seem to get bitten very much, even when other people around me are being bitten badly.
The medical profession will always be negative towards non-drugs whereas people like myself to whom modern pharmaceuticals are a last resort and more natural remedies are prferd will always sponsor TRADITIONAL remedies after all many have been used for thousands of years, and many modern drugs are based on traditional remedies which have been modified or produced in a laboratory from non natural ingredients
Yes, I agree with you.
My hubby has garlic in his food virtually everyday except the Sunday dinner and he also visits the pub.
He might get one or two bites only, whereas me, I'm a walking food supply for mozzies and even for gnats and midges in this country

Which brings me on to another question.....
Following this thread, I decided to take garlic tablets 2 weeks before and during my visit to the Costa del Sol in September, as well as using aromatherapy oils.
I had to stop taking the tablets because of the reasons given above, and my hubby also had to stop taking them, again for the same reason, even though he consumes garlic naturally in his food.
Has anybody else experienced this.?
The garlic capsules that I bought contain garlic oil, and I have since noticed that other products contain garlic paste....I wonder if the paste is more tolerated by the delicate lining of the intestines...in certain people.?
EDIT: I had a brainstorm at the time of purchase

It is quite obvious that some peoples stomach cannot tolerate this pungent herb....me being one of them and I wonder if tummy upsets whilst on holiday can be accredited to the garlic tabs.?
Just ordered some from the avon lady-£2.50 a bottle, no postage, better than the £3.50 postage on the avon website! How expensive!

Could anyone tell me how long the Skin so Soft lasts please? There are three of us going to Goa for three weeks (yippee!!!) so I'm wondering how many to order?
I have a 'trial size' bottle which holds 50ml that I fill up from the full sized bottle.
I use it every evening on my neck, chest, arms and legs and find that it lasts me 2-3 weeks.
I then put a 'proper' mozzie spray on top of that.
Hope you all have a great time.
Personally I would buy a couple of bottles each - if you have any left use it for your next holiday.
In the current brochure (Campaign 1) it is buy one get one free so you will get 2 for £5.00
Have a great time
Sister Pineapple - Please forgive me for correcting you but it is called Soft & Fresh fragrance now in the green bottle.
Regards Jackie
I agree with you, I always stock up when it's on offer but I like to decant all my stuff (Avon S-S-S, shampoo, conditioner, moisturiser, hair gel etc) so that I take only what I need, and I find that 50ml lasts me for a 2-3 week holiday.
Thank you all for your advice!
Been a bit confused since the change in name but is this the correct Mozy Spray?
Woodland fresh stuff... do they still do it???
Not sure? Just heard they changed the name. Didn't have it last year wanted to try it this time. Still got some stuff I bought out there that was recommended to me. That worked well, never got bitten.
Thanks for all the advice on here. I'm off to Brazil in 5 weeks and I've started taking odourless garlic capsules and went out today to try and get some B1 supplements but all I can find is B6, B12 or B complex! Would it be ok to take a B complex or should I keep looking for B1 (and does anyone know where I can buy it?)
I thought it had been discontinued... I've still got a load left over, when they were selling it off cheap, I bought tons of the stuff!

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