Algarve/Portugal/Madeira/Azores Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in the Algarve
Hi Cubsur. Just thinking about the monopoly question, was the answer Atlantic City?, :think forgetful moments, had to rack mi brain to try and remember, bet I'm wrong ,its what you call old age brain drain to be very polite. Shall blame it also on too much vinho tinto over the 5 days. I think the couple next to us who came second did extremely well. Hopefully we can meet up again in the future for another quiz night. :cheers Jayjan
Hello again Sagres, thank you very much for the recommendations (what a big word) we will be staying at the Albergaria Marina Rio with a Marine view I think this is not to far from the train station, if it is, it is not far from the bus station.

Nice hotel,Dave.
You're about half a mile from the railway station and 50 yards from the bus station; with the exception of the slope on the footbridge over the river, the walk from the railway station will be over level ground.You're also fairly close to Christian's Kitchen and you'll pass Fernando's on your way into town.
jayjan wrote:
Hi Cubsur. Just thinking about the monopoly question, was the answer Atlantic City?, :think forgetful moments, had to rack mi brain to try and remember, bet I'm wrong ,its what you call old age brain drain to be very polite. Shall blame it also on too much vinho tinto over the 5 days. I think the couple next to us who came second did extremely well. Hopefully we can meet up again in the future for another quiz night. :cheers Jayjan

Atlantic City is correct Jayjan. :cheers
Hello, well its down to just over 7 weeks to go before we hit the bright lights of Lagos :cheers

2 weeks this Thursday till we go to Cabanas....... :sun2 :fly
Keep practising on the "You Know What" Pat :glynis :glynis :cheers
Still practising, Jayjan, especially this week when we have had lotsa sun in Glasgow........just getting me in the mood for Cabanas!!!!
:rofl :sun2 :rofl

HI Pat,

Is Cabnas far from Albufeira? After all we will be there the same time. :sun2

I think you can get on the train Anna - but am sure Pat will be able to inform you better than me as we always have a car.
Cabanas is as far east of Faro as Albufeira is to the west, so it's a long way - almost 50 miles.

Without a car you have these options, which I have done myself.

Take the bus to Faro, another to Tavira then another to Cabanas. Beware Cabanas has no buses on Saturdays afternoons or Sundays even in summer.

Bus to Faro then train to Conceicao then about a 15 minute walk.

Bus or taxi out to Albufeira station then train to Tavira, bus to Cabanas or train all the way to Conceicao then as before. I took my bicycle on the train, didn't walk the last bit.

It's cheap - the whole journey will be less than €10 each way - but depending on connections will take at least 2 hours.

Take a look at my website for the times in detail and do let me know if you need any assistance.
Pat get yourself down to Millport for the weekend to get you in the mood
As Cubsur says, it's a little difficult bit not impossible to get from Cabanas to Albufeira.
Cubsur, you can get the bus to Faro, then a bus direct (Vila Real) and get off at Conceicao and walk down to the village rather than change at Tavira.
It is also easier and quicker to get the train direct fron Albufeira to Conceicao.

The sun is just popping out here in Glasgow and the drive down to Millport in the heat doesn't sound too attractive, so we'll just head down to a wee beer garden somewhere here instead!!!! :rofl
Not certain about this-it's just a guess really, but they seem to have been rigging up a firework display on the beach at Salema, right in front of the webcamHERE. It's not a live stream cam and only takes shots at minute intervals but if my guess is right there may be a few spectacular frames.
... Not a bloody thing !!... sorry about that to anyone who bothered to log on :oops: :oops:
Pat 42

Agree with your comments. Of course you have to get from town to Albufeira station which can be a pain - at least I can go on my bike!

Still, the journey itself is OK and makes for nice day out whichever way you go.
Talking about bikes, we have two mountain bikes at our house, they are locked away in the woodshed and have only ever been out for a run once in 3 yrs. Shows how much faith I have in Portuguese car drivers who zoom up and down the road going towards the globe roundabout, the only decent bike lane is on the dual carriageway from the globe roundabout to Balaia and then when you hit Branqueira just the silly blue lines.
There's also a bike path now, almost finished, along the road that goes towards Fontainhas and the N125. It take me a while to adjust to local conditions shall we say, but I find the sunken drains and potholes more of a problem than the local driving habits - and of course living at the top of a 300 foot hill, which makes the last mile or so of any excursion a bit of a slog.
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