Im so sorry you had a bad premium eperience with us, please believe me when I say yours was an exception, at least I hope it is, as I can only comment on my flights. I personally ensure everyone in Prem has a fab time, in fact the glasses are very rarely empty..including the wine lol, im of the mindset that as long as no-one is drunk onboard then you will get your monies worth.
Just a note about certain things from your post...
The lack of anything left drinkswise on the outbound sector, we do not uplift new beverage carts/catering when in destination, especially in cuba as you cant get anything there anyway, so we have to make sure that there is adequate refreshment for the inbound flight, can you imagine if you got onboard two weeks later and there was nothing for you onboard..not pleasant. So please dont be mad when we have to close the bar, youd only want them to do the same for your inbound.
The inflight entertainment,... when this goes down there is nothing we can physically do, we are cabin crew, not engineers. So please, again accept our apologies but again, nothing we can do.And we cant turn the system off sometimes as it further messes up the system, however you did have the option to turn off your individual screens via the on/off button on the panel in your arm rest, or on the touch screen if you were on an aircraft with downstairs lav.
The pilot issue... imagine you are flying through the night, pitch black, with long long hours of nothing to do but watch stars... you WOULD feel tired, he's human, he gets tired and the only way to combat this is to come out of the flight deck into the galley where it is light ( it is dark inside as their eyes need to be accustomed to the darkness), they come out for a coffee, a chat, to use the lav, to keep them alert, awake, and purely for someone different to talk to.
Also regarding the flight crews announcements... would you appreciate a loud voice over the PA in the dead of night when people are trying to sleep, waking you up announcing 'yes folks, theres more sky and sea', he was only do it for your sanity honestly. Plus they may have done PA's in economy only and you wouldnt have heard it.
Yes there is only 2 inches different with seat pitches between classes, but what you may not have recognised was there was only 2 crew for your cabin, which is more private, quieter, and the service gets done so much faster, allowing adequate rest and relaxation during the flight. If you had sat in economy youre lights would have not gone down for the amount of time it did in prem... and the sleep on a night flight is more than enough to warrant the extra payment IMHO. Then there is also the bar service which is free, and again, as long as you're not drunk onboard, most crew would be happy to help the flight 'fly by' so to speak, its just a shame you got catherine tate. But dont let her tarnish the rest of us.
And on the outbound the bar service has to stop quite a while before landing as not only do we have to restock all the carts with things for the inbound crew, (leaving things how we would like to find them on the inbound flight, this is out of respect for our colleagues), but we also have to do a second meal service, tea and coffee, and a final clear in of the cabin, as well as various jobs to do with the money taken onboard, and also we have to download all the computers onboard, and ensure that enough items are left onboard for the inbound crew, just because you dont see us selling drinks from a trolley however, doesnt mean the bar service is completley over, theres always the options of coming to the galley to request more, but if the crew say the bars are close, there is usually a very good reason for it.
Also if you were on an aircraft with the reg MB, the reason why boarding drinks were done last minute was because all passengers onboard were entering through the forward left hand side, therefore reducing the time we can be in the cabin handing out drinks, otherwise we'd be getting in the way, holding up boarding, and delaying the aircraft, and im sure an ontime departure is more important to you than a glass of fizz. We have to board from this door as a couple of months ago, some very bad driver went into the the normal entry door, and it was fixed, but we are making sure it doesnt happen again, as the aircraft would then become unservicable and a significant amount of time would be taken for it to get servicable again..
However if it was a different aircraft then there is no excuse for the late drink.
The rest of it, glasses, meal choice etc, is bad, I admit it, but we can only work with what is on that aircraft when we depart from the UK.
I hope that this goes some way to reassuring you that not every premium flight is awful, it just bad you got a farcical journey both ways, and for that we are truly sorry, and hopefully wont put you off us in the future. xxx