I had the bug thingy when I came back from Lykia, the other three didn't though.
Didnt really have it while I was there though.
It's so frustrating as you try and work out what you did/ate/drank that they didn't
It was annoying but no way would it stop me from going back, if that was what I wanted to do, but my kids seem to have moved on to other things and I dont think its really a place just for two adults although each to their own.
I think the bug's name begins with a G as I researched it at the time.
But it is self limiting in fit adults. Like most of these things the very elderly, very young and I guess those with underlying medical conditions may have problems. But for most it just eventually clears up on its own.
I think anyone who has booked should just go and enjoy themselves and not worry too much, highly unlikely you will get it. I wouold imagine its a peak season problem anyway caused by the sheer volune of people on site, eating and drinking and swimming all in close proximety.
No idea how Lykia could control it really, I would imagine they do all they can by keeping hygiene standards high but with those 40 degree temps in July and Aug must be fighting a difficult battle.