Hi Vicky, The highropes is basically a really big frame standing about 40 foot high, I dont know if your son is too young but on saying that they have got all the proper safety equipment, they paint the kids faces army paint and the best part was before they came back down the organisers had them shout some kind of promise out, for instance my 13 year old son is a constant fibber you never no weather to believe him so before they let him down he had to shout at the top of his voice to promise never to lie ever again, it didnt work but it was fun at the time. Im sure if you ask they will accommodate my daughter is 9 and she did it.
Soccer school is great my son and three nephews did it over three days it was quite expensive but well worth it, sorry I cant remember just how much, they also got to go up on stage at the amphiteatre and receive an award and a photo of all the team.
The kids clubs you didnt book specific times and dates, you register and get the cards on the first day and when they feel like going reguardless of weather its once all holiday or four times a day you just take them along.
I didnt use the creche and we did sign my nephew up for it but he wouldnt stay (hes only 2 and prefered us running after him), but someone we got to know on holiday took her little girl through the day she was about 13 months and she loved it and mum and dad had 1 and half hours rest in the afternoon.
Rab .w.w
We were also going to the Kos ABC and got cancelled five weeks to go, I phoned my travel agent the day I got back from the Pegasos to tell him what a wonderful time we had and we couldnt have enjoyed it more if we had gone to Kos. Im sure youll be glad you changed holidays aswell.
Debbie x