Greece and other Greek Island Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Greece and other Greek Islands.
Paula, can't see you on the list and can't remember when you are due to go. When is it? At least you got a reply that was more than I have got. Did they email you or phone you and did they actually say they "hope" to open?
Sorry just seen your date of departure. Well you have a little time to go yet and at least if they do open you will have feedback.
lorna we fly from manchester on the 16/08/06 07:15
Hi all so some tickets have started to arrive! Sounds good. And a response to an e-mail. Things are looking rosy. Lets keep up the good vibes. Only three weeks to our departure so am excited at the prospect of a couple of weeks in the sun. Cant wait.

Thanks for reiterating the list Wilki, I couldn't find it earlier and it's nice to know which of you guys will be going at the same time as us (8th July).

Sorry I don't reply much - I can only reply from home, although I do read the posts at work when noone is looking :wink:

Anyway, am still positive it will all go ahead, as someone wrote earlier, no news is good news, and tickets arriving are definitely a good sign.

Hope to see some of you in a few weeks,

Sarah :sun
LOcket family See terms of posting DO not post in capitals

sorry about that won`t do it again
Right everybody I think the awful weather today has got everybody a little down so lets all look on the positives:

1. Tickets are arriving
2. They are still allowing bookings on the web for 1st July onwards
3. A reply from Head Office - please make sure you never delete it as it maybe the only one EVER you never know maybe worth something in the future!
4. No one has actually been told it's not opening
5. There maybe one bar missing but there are bars!
6. Don't know about anyone else but I much prefer chinese/asian to mexican anyway

If anyone can think of anything else positive to say please share it as moral is a little low.

I am still feeling very confident ( hopefully not misplaced ). Roll on 1st July we're ready for ya!!

Emmabombemma x
Hi all i am new to this we are due to fly out on the 12th July from Manchester does anyone have any firm information about KABC and its opening date yet
Hi, not been here long myself. As far as everyone knows the KosABC will be opening on the 1st of July - fully complete if with a few alterations to the brochure listing!

Oh and welcome
Hi Janemick, I have just done a dummy booking for 5th July 2006 and it only says about the horse-riding not being available. I wonder if all the other stuff you listed is only being implimented next year not this????? What does everyone else think????
things available will vary year to year dependant on what the contract states that fc have with the hotel owner etc some rooms which are allowing 5 this year will only be allowed to accomodate 4 next year i think we should really just concentrate on what we were supposed to be getting from the brochure we booked from.
As long as i can eat sleep and drink i will be happy after all the KABC is on the beach so there is one big swimming pool if there are no others!!!
21 days to go I will await my tickets in next few days.
If you remember they have already posted on the site for this year regarding the restaurant which they then removed. I think they will do what ever they feel like and once you're there there is not alot you can do about it. As long as it's clean and most things up and running I will put up with it and claim for what has not been provided.
Hello everyone,
well its a positive sign that tickets are now being sent out. Hope everyone who actually gets to KABC, writes in to the forum to let us know what it is like. We go on the 19th of July and will be writting in my comments for those who follow on after. Always had good holidays with First Choice in the past so hopefully they will working hard to please the holidaymakers after all this trouble. Just keep watching the forum as this is our only means of comunication as to what is happening.
Getting into the holiday mood now. After all the trouble think First Choice should be doing their best to make sure this holiday is A1

Hi all sorry two in a row but has anyone got the contact number and opening times for FC

Cheers 10 very upset folks
customer service number is 08709016522 they are open 9-5 why are you unhappy?
i will be calling them tomorrow as we wanted daytime flights but night time were cheaper when we booked, when i brought our holiday forward they said that the daytime flights were full how ever they are still selling them online cheaper than the night time flights. our holiday now works out about £35 cheaper so i will be pestering for better flights without paying the extra shall be on the phone most of the day i imagine trying to get through.
REMINDER to all this thread will close on the first of July there will be a KABC Q&A thread (probably another sticky) and all chit chat that is holiday related will need to go in the Greek holiday chat thread


PS you have been a good bunch so have caused me a lot of work reading everything but thankfully you have on the whole stayed true to the rules of posting thanks

Brian (the wizard)
Hi Wizard, don't post in capitals REMEMBER! you know the rules.

You too have been brill, thanks to you and the other mods who sitck with us ALL the time, watching, stepping in and out pointing us in the right direction. You had better make sure this new forum is as good as this one, its going to be a hard act to follow, we can be little scamps at times can't we!, oh and make sure you allocate us lots of free pages as we are going to have such a lot to say for ourselves, once we've had 14 days of sunshine and AI G&T's at the KABC, oh and loads and loads of pictures.

A big THANK-YOU to the Wizard and the rest of the mods, for providing us with this fantastic sounding board.

I just don't know what we are going to do when we are through with this holiday and our final reports, I've become so addicted, can't wait to catch up as soon as I've cooked dinner of an evening, even taken to having a crafty read-up at lunchtimes at work now. What are we going to do with all this spare time, how did we fill our evenings before we joined this forum? Someone said a long time back, they could see why their kids spend so-much-time on msn and so can I now.

PS Things are looking up for FC they have sold 5 holidays at KABC since 4th June, they have had a really good day today, sending tickets, replying to emails and selling holidays - perhaps they have turned the corner.

Oh and one other thing - all you guys get off the forum for a few minutes please this bits just for us girls.

I hope there are one or two builders left on site, just to make sure everything is as it should be, I do like a little sport round the poolside along with my ice cold G&T, could be just the tonic and not in the glass this time. What do you say girls?????????????
PPS still haven't got the hang of popping in with one liners yet have I!
  • Edited by ctaylor 2006-06-14 18:55:51
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