Greece and other Greek Island Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Greece and other Greek Islands.
It's all gone very quiet on here are people getting cold feet or are they just out buying new clothes for what is going to be a really good holiday? Sukaay, haven't heard from you for a while are you ok? It's all getting a bit close for me now. Less than 2 weeks now and counting. Just had some friends back from Kos but they couldn't find KABC. Hope that doesn't mean it isn't there :yikes . Only joking I don't think they went out of their way to look for it. Well I've now got to sort out a pile of ironing and start to get ready to pack my bags. :D :D :D
hi all,getting started on my packing this week ,don,t want to leave everthing till the last minite.don,t leave untill 5th july (can,t wait )
Good Morning all

Just to let u know i bought two blow up surf boards with handles on for kids at tesco for 2.97 each kids love them they are lightweight so excellent to pack and at that price a very good buy. When i saw them they are ideal for the wave pool.
My daughter is 11 and i'm taking my niece aged 10 we go on 2nd August on 8 o'clock flight at manchester any other girls this age going? :P :wave
Hi :wave Kazykaz

We're flying out on the 8th along with my 11 yr old daughter and 4yr old daughter from Gatwick...they cant wait to go to the kids club. Which is a bit of good news for me lol if you know what i mean :wink: :yipee
My mates just returned from a holiday village in costa del sol and shes said her 7yr daughter who is very shy loved it they hardley saw her she joined in with everything.They said she went in club everyday at 10 she returned for dinner then went back and sometimes didn't see her till 11 at night properly.

What a holiday we will have it be like adults only !! :glynis
U got it Girl :glynis KABC here we come errr READY or NOT!! :pele
Hello Peeps

Where are you all?
Have you all had golden passes to KABC and left me behind?

Boo Hoo :bawl
Morning all, don't know about anyone else but I have been unable to access the discussion boards for a few days. I have been driven crazy by all sorts of thoughts as to why?? Have fc shut them down?? Do they know something we don't??? But hey it's all back up and running so my life can once again stand still and I can be locked to the computer checking these boards evey 10 minutes! 4 weeks 6 days hoooooray!
I thought first choice got the site shut down also, we phoned yesterday and were told that they were putting the "finishing touches" on the Aqua Beach but that they couldn't guanrantee anything else, funny they wouldn't send an email or confirm/guarantee anything a copy of the email would be nice as a PM. They gave us another number to ring and they were no wiser. Fingers crossed, we go on the 23rd August... Hello again Gezhead M,A,C and J and now Zak!!! :wink:
Hi Peeps

Good to see you back
I could get on the forum at work but could not access it from home!!
Been really lonely here last few days.

Anyway need to get back in holiday mood

JanenMick only 7 days till you go god I am really excited for you!!

Hello All :lol:

I thought my system was broken !
Its so near now for some i thought we would never get the forum back
I can relax now i have missed reading the gossip.
My days have been so long and boring!!!! :wink
Hi there, blimey I was really worried that we were not be able to access this and let you lot know when we arrive on 1st. If anyone wants to pm their email address to me just in case this happens again please feel free. Whilst this site has been down I have been browsing and on another site somebody has been advised by FC that it won't be up to 3*. Don't know what they mean by it. Anyway on a more cheerful note just over 1 week left now. Surely I won't get a phone call now!! :glynis
Having been in Tingaki for the past week I did have an opportunity to visit the KABC site, but sadly no photos I'm afraid.

The location is a good half hours walk down the beach from the outskirts of Tingaki itself, so at least an hours walk from the centre of Tingaki I would say. it's a pretty desolate location with little else around, around 15 minutes walk further on is what looks like another hotel, but that is it.

I chose to go down one evening, when I knew no workmen would be around and though the site might be empty - how wrong can you be?

I arrived at the site at about 18.30 in the evening and could walk along the public beach which seperates the beach club from the sea, within seconds of arriving it became clear that there was far more security present than I had previously known about, something was obviously going on.

Glancing across I could see that there was still completion work going on in various areas, games courts were under construction, the water park looked near finished, but there was still some kind of construction left to go up, it looked possibly like the "pirate ship adventure" playground feature used at Aqualand Corfu, a fairly large wooden construction.

The only completed swimming pool that was visible was a smallish kidney shaped one, this was full of water.

All the buildings that were visible from the beach looked finished from an exterior perspective, but some locals did tell me that some buildings a few rows back were still under construction.

Not all pathways were yet laid and there didn't appear to be any landscaping that I could see as yet.

Nothing separates the complex from the beach, so anybody could wander into the complex from the beach side, it would appear.

As regards the beach, the large boulders seen in the "Holiday Hit Squad" programme have gone, but there is no sand at this stage, just mud, I assume this is going to be addressed before opening.

As I passed the site returning towards Tingaki, I heard voices and could see a group of 5 or 6 people being shown around, First Choice directors or managers I would suspect. This would explain the level of security currently being employed.

As I left the party being shown around seemed to have gone, just leaving the security viewing anybody passing with suspicion.

Having seen the site for myself I would say that 1 possibly 2 of the photos on the Kidsworld site may have been taken at KABC, but looking elsewhere on the Dutch sites alot of generic photos are in use for other resorts, particulalry the ill fated Corfu one.
Hi Janenmick
Well done for hanging in there. I think you will definitely be going - I can't believe FC would leave it this late to tell you. So time to get your cases packed and look forward to that unlimited drinking and eating for 2 weeks. :glynis :yipee :pele :sun :fly
Thanks Net Detective, I am not expecting it to be complete so will not be disappointed. I will just address the problem when I get home.
Hi The Wilson Family, unfortunately we are only going for 1 week, wish it were 2 but we go away in February and October. Really no option but to just hang on in as there is little else available and I am blowed if I am paying any extra.
Still having problems with this site, keeps crashing on me.
I know I said I wouldn't do this but just couldn't resist. Just rung FC and they have said that their construction engineers were out there last week (probably who Net Detective saw) they say it will be ready for 1st July but when I pressed the guy to guarantee everything would be up and running he said obviously he couldn't do that. Anyway, looks like I will be going. If there is no sand on the beach perhaps I can find a heap of it somewhere on the site. It's going to be interesting anyway :fly

Do you think all the regulars on KABC are still having problems getting on or have not realised it is back up and running?

janenmick had a look at the other site, thanks.

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