hi gail.....I use holland and barrats pure whey protien......the " Im desperate and need to loose some weight quick diet " goes like this
BREAKFAST.....200mls fully skimmed milk with 2 scoops whey protien in.....this is a whey shake aprox 320 cals
LUNCH....same as breakfast.....aprox 320 cals
TEA......fish, or chicken and veg (broccolli or cabbage is best)....or a plain salad ...400cals
NO SNACK BREAKS....JUST DRINKS.....and drink extra water
Drinks.....black tea ....black coffee....water....if cant drink tea or coffee wit.h out milk use skimmed and as little as possible.....flavoured water or 1 cal cans ok too
Other good tips....I take vit c tablets...a multi vit and also kelp tablets for the iodine.....walking or any exersise boost the effect....the more you use your musles the better it works
Take your bust waist hips measurements..and also top of arms and legs....to compare after weight loss...or try on something a bit too tight to try on instead or both.
This one is hard to stick to but a good one if you need to drop a size quickly....it works for me
The " Ive got time version" goes like this
BREAKFAST.....oatmeal bran porridge made with skimmed milk....aprox 400 cals (not sure about the cals)
can also have a hi bran cereal like bran flakes with skimmed milk
morning break......tangerine or hand full of grapes or a kiwi or small bag physalis fruits....50 cals
LUNCH...whey protien shake.....320 cals
afternoon break .....same as morning break
TEA.....fish chicken or lean meat with veg ( broccolli or cabbage is best...careful with the root veg) or plain salad
Drinks and tips same as fast diet..
IM NOT AN EXPERT.....this is a diet I use myself when need to loose weight and get into my holiday clothes....and it works for me....hope it helps
IF any one tries this one let us all know how you got on.....tweetie