General Holiday Enquiries, Hints and Tips

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louise225 wrote:
Used Wilkinsons own brand SPF15 every day and was really impressed
I've seen the Wilkinsons one and last time I was in there, they were doing a free own-brand aftersun with every purchase of own-brand SPF :wink:
hellooo ! just back form jamaica, 2 weeks of gorgeosness and have come home with a reet good tan and only 2 mozzie bites, result ! Anyway, I reckon it was all down to boots own sun lotion with insect repellant factor 25 ( never went below this as saw too many burnt people, even already tanned people !!! ) also I used my elemis, not sure if this really helped, after all I was out in the sun a lot, not just lying around pool/ beach, as we went on loads of trips, but wierdly, I never changed colour at all in the first week, as I took it slowly, but I haven't burnt or peeled, so grand job !
To be fair, I reckon the natural light at home is so dull that anyone with a hint of colour will look really brown !
Would anyone recommend the once a day suncreams for kids?
I normally use avon/superdrug factor 30 on them, but the idea of only once a day is very appealing BUT im going to Turkey in aug so it will be re hot and im a bit unsure as to trusting a once a would be lovely to only apply in themorning and forget it thou!

Id like to use p20 or something on myself but as i normally drop down in SPF im worried i wouldnt tan aswell with that? also heard it stains your clothes is that true?

Boots Soltan do a once a day for kids :tup

I like Ultrasun as oppose to P20 as it doesn't stain and comes in different factors too - I've been using it for years with success

You can buy it cheaper on the net if you Google Ultrasun
vicky06 wrote:
Would anyone recommend the once a day suncreams for kids?
I normally use avon/superdrug factor 30 on them, but the idea of only once a day is very appealing BUT im going to Turkey in aug so it will be re hot and im a bit unsure as to trusting a once a would be lovely to only apply in themorning and forget it thou!

Id like to use p20 or something on myself but as i normally drop down in SPF im worried i wouldnt tan aswell with that? also heard it stains your clothes is that true?


It was for me too, that's why I thought I would give it a go. Both my son and husband burnt after the first day. we applied as per bottle and re-applied as they had been in the pool a few times. I tried the piz buin and found it a nightmare to get off, after a shower it looked liked i'd had a dusting of talcum powder. The once a day from boots also stained clothes a nasty yellow/green colour. Im sticking to what I know from now on, back to Ambre Solair next time.
My son's bought the Avon Beta Carotene moisturising lotion which is advertised as helping the tanning process. However, it doesn't say anything on the bottle as to when to use it. Does anybody know if it's like the Elemis tan accelerator, which you need to use daily for a couple of weeks as well as on hols in order to get max benefit? He goes away in just under 2 weeks but doesn't want to waste it if he only needs to apply it before sunbathing under his sun protection.
Thanks for any advice.
I used that last year. I just applied it half an hour before sunscreen. Got my best tan ever. :wave:
CazzMicknTom wrote:
applied it half an hour before sunscreen

Im getting conflicting advice now. The person that recommended this to me advised to apply it after applying sun cream and with the same response "it was my best tan ever". What to do? :que

Sarah :)
According to Avon it should be applied after your regular sun tan lotion
Thanks Miss_Chief1. That was the advice I was originally given. I think I will stick to that. Hope it works, we are only going for a week this time so I need maximum tan power ;)

Sarah :)
Let us know how you get on with it and whether it works or not ?

I've used the Elemis and not sure it actually made a difference but the reviews of the Avon product are excellent on the net and it's only £3 at the moment :tup

Happy Hols
srhjnmgn wrote:
CazzMicknTom wrote:
applied it half an hour before sunscreen

Im getting conflicting advice now. The person that recommended this to me advised to apply it after applying sun cream and with the same response "it was my best tan ever". What to do? :que

Sarah :)

Well I have the bottle in front of me now and it states on the label "Moisturises the skin during sun exposure and maximises the tan. TO USE: Apply before and/or after sun exposure"

So we were both correct Miss Chief. :cheers
LOADS of Avon Bronze Suncare products are on offer at the moment - reduced to £3.00 -incase anyone is interested.
(Savings of between £3.00 to £9.00 )

If you don't have an Avon Lady, there's also a free delivery codes if you spend over £20,
which are KWG or LS

Both should work. :)
And no, I don't work for Avon! :haha
Well, I've just ordered a couple of bottles of avon beta carotene cream. I got the elemis last year but can't afford that this year. :cry

11 1/2 weeks til our holiday and I can't wait. :sun2

Fingers crossed the avon cream works. Even if it doesn't, I know I'll be well moisturised. :tup

Emma x
Thanks for the replies. Cazz, my son's bottle says exactly the same. I did look at the label when he bought it but the directions were in every language but English. After reading your post, I took a second look and noticed that the label on the back peeled off to reveal English instructions underneath :que :rofl
I've just managed to order the avon cream from a rep at work, hope it works as i cant justify the price of the elemis.
I've never used Elemis, too expensive but used Avon twice with amazing deep tans both times. Don't know weather it was the avon stuff or the fact that we holidayed in Cyprus though. :que
I have a question about the Avon Beta Carotene Moisturising Lotion - just wondered if it is similar to the Johnsons Holiday skin and contains fake tan, or if this is something different? Last year inadvertantly bought a bottle of Ambre Solaire aftersun which contained fake tan (my usual Ambre Solaire doesn't) and couldn't use it as I really dislike the smell of fake tan. Can anyone clarify for me please as I am temepted to buy the Avon stuff. Thanks
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