General Holiday Enquiries, Hints and Tips

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No, it doesn't contain fake tan, just helps with the natural tanning process.
Thanks for that ladies think it's worth a try especially at that price :)
Just compared ingredients against a fake tan and only ingredients which are the same is the aqua and some glycerol but no fake tan. I even put a big splodge in an area which isn't normally visible and no stain the next day :)
i have always used Calypso After sun shower gel but for some reason this year i cant find it in the shops. It saves having to put cream on after your shower. does anyone know where i can purchase this gel or know of anything similair.
Would anyone recommend the once a day suncreams for kids?
I normally use avon/superdrug factor 30 on them, but the idea of only once a day is very appealing BUT im going to Turkey in aug so it will be re hot and im a bit unsure as to trusting a once a would be lovely to only apply in themorning and forget it thou!

Bergaderm (was Proderm) have been using this for coming up 12 years on my kids - 2 tan easily, my little girl tho' is as white as a sheet and has red hair - they have NEVER so much as gone red with this stuff on. The boys come back a lovely colour, my little girl comes back the same colour she went!

First time I used it on my eldest I wiped my hands on my arms, was sat in my sister's garden that afternoon without suncream - my arms went bright red with the exception of a perfect shaped white handprint on my arm top (from where I'd wiped it).

They do SPF 8, 15 & 30 - we always use the 30 on the kids and as I say without problem or buning and it does what it says on the tin - towelproof, sandproof, waterproof and lasts 6 hours. Getting harder to get hold of tho' - we can only get it online nowadays tho' have seen it in bigger Sainsbury's. Cost about a tenner online but well worth it - personally wouldn't consider using anything else on the kids now.
I barely tan but get sunburn and then just go back to white or even worse peel. I want to use Piz Buin factor 15 Tan intensifier but would that be too low a factor and make me burn? But then if I use factopr 30 Tan intensifier I may aswell just lay underneath the parasol! :que
It depends where you're going? From what you say, you could use factor 30 for the first few days and then come down to 15 later in the holiday. If you burn easily, I think you will get a nice tan by using factor 30 for most of the holiday.
i have always used Calypso After sun shower gel but for some reason this year i cant find it in the shops. It saves having to put cream on after your shower. does anyone know where i can purchase this gel or know of anything similair.

I used to use an Avon after sun gel, but this year I have purchased some Boots after sun gel with Aloe Vera it is half price at the moment and seems the same as the Avon one. (haven't tried the Calypso one)
Apparently the Scots like using chip fat:

report here

Remind me not to try it!
From reading the bottle of the Avon stuff it does not appear to contain any fake tan.
just got back from 2 weeks in zante
i have got sensitive skin and have always used piz buin allergy sun cream
this year i used avon sun cream for sensitive skin was a quarter of the price and was fantatic
what do you prefer sun creams or sun oils , for me its got to be cream as i find that when using oils i seem to get prickly heat .
i have to use piz buin oil free as i get prickly heat and using creams with oils in blocks the pores so the skin doesnt breathe so therefore suffer more, ive been great and hardly suffer since using the oil free stuff
just ordered some of the avon beta carotene stuff so hoping i can actually get a bit of a tan this year :sun2
OMG, this is the first year I didn't use oil and also the first year I didn't get prickly heat? Co-incidence :que
Just spotted this offer on the Boots website HERE - Soltan SPF15, SPF25, Kids SPF50 and Aftersun with Insect Repellant, all 200ml bottles in a family pack for £10.99 altogether :wink: Limited stock available, when it's gone, it's gone...
I always use Ambre Solaire - just realised I need a few more bottles - anyone seen any offers in the shops - have bought the clear spray this year but will use the lotion but not the bronzing milk.
Thanks Irene
Hi Irene

I'm pretty sure I saw it on bogof in Sainsbury's today,think it's cheap in Asda too.T.
bogof in Sainsbury's

It definitly is in our Sainsbury's as of today....end of aisle promo
Thank you for the info - will pop into Sainsburys's after work tomorrow - may even take a look at their clothing LOL mind you I have all I need for my hols according to hubby. :really
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