2x certificates of no impediments
2xfull birth certificates
1xchange of name deeds (these are my h2b)
2x photocopies of our passports (both to be signed by a solicitor)
i dont know why i had to have the photocopies of passports done as i was also of the opinion that it wasnt need but apparantly it was.i resent everything on monday and i have had a message from the gentleman sorting it for me and i will have them back tomorrow!i sent everything 1st class recorded next day delivery.. and i sent a letter with all of it with the costings...also sent a postal order made out to forign and commonwealth office.posting the docs did worry me to but they have got ther safely so no worries about that. i hpe this helps alittle and chin up...sorry agai, i know things get stressfull..and you dont need little old me making it worse....keep smiling,sue