I thought we'd already established that; you're on FCA070 outbound and TOM034 inbound (FCA flights)?

Part of me hopes we do get a Thomson bird on the return - just for the experience, have done Star Class many times (although this will be the first non premier!!!). I just hope I get my window and the 22 week pregnant one gets an aisle seat!
I'm flying from manchester to maldives on 2nd Oct and the flight is FCA142
What type of plane is this and whats the seating configuration?
Welcome onboard :tup.
You'll find all the aircraft information over the pages of this thread. First Choice (soon to be merged with Thomsonfly) operate Boeing 767-300/ER's on long haul routes. They are configured 2-3-2 with 33" seat pitch in Star Class (economy) and 36" in Star Class Premium.
Your photo on Airliners.net of the inside of the 767 shows a couple of seats that appear not to have IFE? (This is about bang in the middle of the photo) - are my eyes deceiving me??? Do these seats get hand held DVD players and are these two unique in the fleet?!
All FC 767's aircraft seats have screens, no one is left out but some(extra legroom) have monitors attatched to arms which stow down by the occupants leg which may explain why you cant see them as they may be stowed.
Five rows forward from the back, seats C and D - have a grey panel where the telly should be!
Also noticed on closer inspection you can see one of the screens I mention to the right- follow all the arm rests on the "E" seat (seats run A-G)
Although before you ask me I don't know why seats A/B/F/G do not have these, perhaps they would cause to much obstruction in an emergency...
I don't know why these seats don't have seat back IFE. Even though its an emergency exit row, I wouldn't describe them as extra legroom seats as there's very little difference to standard seats on that row. Since the controls for the IFE are on remote controls, you don't need to touch the screen and it's not too great a distance, as per the outbourd seats

I have to admitt, if I paid for extra legroom seats and got these seats I wouldn't be too impressed! I assume this is unigue to the few 300ERs that have an over wing little emergency exit as opposed to 4 proper doors? (actually don't bother answering - I'm just being sad now!!!!).
I thought they were fantastic to be honest and i didnt upgrade but still thought the service and the seating , legroomand inflight meals where the best i have had on any Charter aircraft and I have flown with most Uk airlines.
I will make sure if I return to Cuba next yr that I book with FCA although I know they are now in bed with thomson whos aircraft and service i dont rate as highly and that may change things around abit.
still as they are Long Haul with FCA was first rate.
Just looking at your picture Darren convinces me I have a bit of Obsessive compulsive personality disorder, those prints at the front of the cabin are not hanging straight on the bulkhead

The reason being the ex Thomsonfly aircraft are leased out to other operators for the early part of winter.
i know its not unusual but im totaly confused.. got my tickets this [fc ones] week for our flight next weekend tom1102
it says allowance 20 kg but oposite it says a small bag can be taken as hand luggage not exceeding 5 kg... we have flown tom several times and it was 20 + 5 the only tome we did fca it was 15 +5 so what dose it mean????

thats what i thought but the way it worded on the ticket apears to contradict that.. as i am in the process of packing at the moment i was trying to leave enough room for my fags
Don't know if anyone else has noticed but .... I tried to book a holiday thru First Choice web site to Dom Rep for next March - we always book ELRoom seats but every date/destination combo I tried only came up with Std or Prem upgrade.Have Thomson stopped them selling ELR seats in advance?
Is there an availabilty tool or similar to check loads on FCA aircraft, like the AMEX one or Expertflyer, Im flying out on the 13th (oct) to Mombassa and wondered how busy the cabin would be.
Thanks for all the previous info by the way, many questions have been answered by scanning through this post.
I'm hoping there will be no Sharks

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