Turkey Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Turkey.
Thankyou Elaine .Im due out with my family on monday, Saringerme so not close to any of them places but wish everyone a safe journey
Pants another bomb!

Keeps us all updated when you hear any more please!

Love Nikki xx
Its so sad about what is happening there. I was in Marmaris last year with my daughter and it is a lovely place with the locals all trying to make a living, working long hours etc. It seems the only people the terrorists are hurting are themselves in the long run. If the tourists dont go there what would the locals do for work and then their financial system would go down the drain. The world is in total chaos and its madness to blow up innocent people who are there with their families on holidays. Dont the terrorists have families too - surely they wouldnt want the same to happen when they are on holiday!!!
for the last 10 years we have celebrated our wedding anniversary at the same restaurant in marmaris, "prontos", (35 yrs this year), nothing or no one will make us change our plans, we will not have our lives disrupted by these cowards.

we love marmaris, and we love the turkish people who have become our friends over the years, i spoke to one over the phone last night and he was apologising to us for the actions of these terrorists, i told him what i have been reading on this site, and how the general concensus here seems to be not to let these threats keep us from going and enjoying our holiday, i think he was a little surprised that people are still willing to go to marmaris, but he was very happy to hear it.

i am now looking forward to annother anniversary in a place i love with the people i love, we will be there on the 6th october.

regards marnie xx

for the last 10 years we have celebrated our wedding anniversary at the same restaurant in marmaris, "prontos", (35 yrs this year),

Oooooo that's so sweet!Hope you have a great wedding anniversary. :D

Can i just ask ...prontos is the restaurant on the seas front? did a lad called Eddie work there?
Not heard the news yet but reading this have just text my turkish "Son" who lives in Mersin.

I think you have put into words what many of us feel about one of our favourate places to be. I know it's a bit early but have a great anniversary in Marmaris.

Wilson :wink:
sueb2 Probably these terrorists if they have family cannot afford holidays!
sueb2 on sky news website there was a guy over there and he made an interesting point. Basically the terrorists (kurdish folk) are wanting seperate land in sourth east turkey and obviously Turkish government ain't giving it to them, and they are quite strong as they are making a load of cash from us tourists (which is fair enough) and therefore enough policing etc to keep them at bay, however if they bomb tourist areas and (they hope) tourist numbers dwindle and therefore government aren't as strong and to get them to stop bombing then they will possibly be more likely to give in to them.

I think this makes sense (does in my head anyway), know what I trying to say not sure if it does there. Anyway as I've said before I'm off 3wks tomorrow to Icmeler , they ain't ruining my well earned break!
Basically the terrorists (kurdish folk) are wanting seperate land in sourth east turkey

Can I just point out that all kurdish are not terrorists.

Many Turkish people you meet are also kurdish as well and can also be the victim of these cowardly minority groups.
Thats it exactly. Tourism is an important part of Turkeys economy. Its only logical that the kurds will attack that industry in order to co-erce the turkish government in to giving them independence. Its wrong of course but an effictive method all the same

Whether they are right or wrong to want independence I am not sure! Its not always clear who is in the wrong. In Ireland blood was shed in order to gain freedom. I suppose by todays standards it would be called terrorism but for Ireland it was taking back what was rightfully theirs and as such was a war of independence.
The IRA today see themselves as freedom fighters despite not having the support of the majority of Irish people. Most Irish today would define them as terrorists yet in 1921 they were heros. Things change!

Terrorism in order to gain independence also takes place in Corsica who wants independence from France and bombs cars in order to do so.Yet people still go to Corsica. France will not give in any time soon.
Obviously in Turkey the Kurds are very serious about their cause. I just hope the Turkish government can come to some sort of ceasefire or arangement.
  • Edited by Yanajorv 2006-08-31 11:03:22
I don't think this is the forum for discussing the politics behind these bombings - we'd be here forever and it would get us nowhere.

Yes but some British people don t have a clue whats going on. Or don t even know what Kurds are. For that reason it is important to be up to date on Political events if thinking of going to Turkey. In my opinion its important to be informed about why these events are taking place!
I understand that Yanajorv,

But there are such divided opinions on the Kurdish/Turkish in Turkey issue that it can get very heated, even just giving the information you have already provided. The "facts" change depending on who is telling the tale.

Thats why I think the in-depth political aspect behind the recent bombings should be left out of a holiday forum.

Thanks for the news links guys, lets just hope there are no more!!

Love Nikki xx
you cant generalise 'KURDS' my boyfriend is kurdish and so are a lot of my friends in Icmeler.My boyfriend and friends dont support these evil PKK group,these are bad people you cant say all kurds support them as this isnt true most of them hate these people its because of these pkk kurdish group that the Kurdish people get a bad name and its wrong.There are so many innocent kurdish people what get treated so bad for the actions of these people!! :D
politically correct or not.......Turks dont like Kurds. The view has hardened over the last few years because people have been constantly killed fighting the PKK. only last week a Jandarma captain was assassinated by the PKK. The vast majority of the Turkish military budget goes defending the se border. What is ironic is that Turkey's neighbours..Iraq and iran have constantly battled with Kurds in their countries. Attaturk declared a republic in 1923, people of all religeous, political and ethnic persuasions are welcome as long as they honour the republic of Turkey. Sounds fair doesn't it? Not to the PKK it doesn't... ergo the problem.
Guaranteed that Kurdish people who work here support their famillies back in the SE.........
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