Turkey Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Turkey.
i have just resd your reply and my feelins are on the other foot what i mean by that is me and my partener feel safer walking around icmeler than we do around our own town.
tomak this year is the second time we have been this year we took my parteners 16 year old daughter and she loved it.

but when i come home i get a very negative feeling from friends when i talk about Turkey? went around to brother inlaws last nite who went to
"BENIDORM" and im trying to get him to come to icmeler but i know they wont like it as i wont like his place to holiday ie "BENIDORM" tried my best.

I think the only way to go is to go to "BENIDORM"little england with sun, with them on the previsor that thay try "TURKEY" a fantastic place were things are a bit different.....

please reply
hi thanks for all the different views on me cancelling turkey. i know i feel better in myself for doing so and will consider turkey another year i have been to turkey for the last three years but really felt very worried about this situatiion. i know a bomb can go off anywhere anytime but i was so worried. i would not have enjoyed my holidays and that is what justifies my cancelling. hope everyone who goes in the next couple of weeks keep safe and enjoy themselves. smed
Hi all,

I for one feel much safer going to Turkey than here in London.
Was in Icmeler in June and will be there again in October.
If everyone felt the same no one would ever go outside the door.

I think there are far more terrorism in this country to worry about than Turkey.

This couldn't have come at a better time, in to-days News of the World a Terror School has been found down in leafy Sussex. Abu Hamzas' deputy has been arrested in connection with it. If this hadn't been discovered then we could well have been looking at another 7/7 type incident. So what people are saying about Turkey is true, you are safer over there than what you are here !!
Now they are saying that most of the terrorists come from the UK anyway! We had some people making bombs in a small flat in the next town to us in sussex - so you never know where anything could happen. Its like Russian Roulette now wherever you go. We should be glad that the authorities take it all very seriously and are concerned for everyones welfare and be extra careful with bags etc. and keep watch. Its better to be safer than sorry so report anything you are not sure about... I live near Gatwick and they take everything seriously around here. It could be so easy to be paranoid though so we do need to be sensible and not panic about it all.
Heard of another bomb in Cetak. Whereabouts is this?

Two dead and seven injured including two policeman/

I was quite concerned about the attacks when i first heard about it but it's something that can happen in the UK - like others have said unfortunately your not safe anywhere really....sad but true.

I didn't however think about cancelling as i work hard all year round to get away from normality and enjoy myself....which i will be doing in about 9 hours when i fly out to Marmaris.

Hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable holiday if you off out to Turkey soon.
Heard of another bomb in Cetak. Whereabouts is this?

Two dead and seven injured including two policeman/


Southen eastern province of Van which borders Iran.

i think you may have mis understood me i live in icmeler all year round. it is my home and where our buisness is. İ feel safer in icmeler than anywhere in the world, the only time i feel UNsafe is when i go on holİday to the UK to see my family. İ never feel safe İN THE UK

people who have never been to turkey always say they dont want to come or simlar but as soon as they get here, they change there mind and get the addiction like evryone else.
Sorry mods- i have been to benidorm and you would not get me there for love nor money. but thats off topic so will leave it there.
I agree with you Tokmak. I just got back from Icmeler yesterday and we felt very safe inspite of the bomb in Marmaris. It's right what you say, I wouldn't let my wife walk around the centre of Gloucester at midnight but Icmeler, fine.
After the bombings, the Turkish people were so angry and upset. It effects them just as much as us. People forget that the Turkish people also get killed and injured alongside the holiday makers. Alot of the workers in the bars and restaurants were saying nobody will want to come to Turkey now because of whats happened. They are all worried for next year particularly as 2006 has been a quiet season.
I can fully understand people wanting to cancel their holidays post these terrorist attacks but people also need to be reassured that security in the resorts have been increased.
I totally believe that you aren't 100% safe anywhere you go. I've met people who totally rule out Turkey as a destination, but have never been themselves. I've already booked for next year and fully intend on going whatever.
My partner and I are off on our 1st turkish holiday on 15th and we can't wait. Friends and family have asked if we're still going after the recent acts of terrorism and seem amazed that we're not more worried.

I've 'borrowed' this from another site, which I think puts everything into perspective:

Sound advice I think. I hope you all enjoy your holidays wherever you spend them.

*Edit please provide link, for copyright reasons please do not copy over info from other sites many thanks Briar
Having been on my Autoroute, though there are quite a few places called CATAK, I think I would be right in saying that this one is in Adana Province which is over near Syria, perhaps one of our Turkish friends can confirm this. In The Sun to-day, it said in the South East of the country and this is where this place is.

This was taken from todays news, thought it was very much related to what people have been saying in this thread and it seems many other folks agree.

*Edit please provide link, for copyright reasons please do not copy over info from other sites many thanks Briar

Sorry Briar, here is the Link


chazy x
  • Edited by chazy 2006-09-05 07:52:57
Just to say to HT soz just trying to make a point, and i do ramble.

This is our main holiday of the year and if we could go back later on in the season we would go. Its such a loveley plce to go for a holiday......

"question" does Icmeler shut down completly in october........
:D We have just come back from Side. First we knew of the bombs was family all textin to ask if we were all ok. Yes we were concerned but the way we saw it was we got on the plane when we knew they'd had all the problems in the ukso whatever happens happmns so to speak. The turkish were understandin of our worries and did their best to help us stay happy on our holiday these are lovely people and i will go back to Turkey as i love it!!! :D
Well I have lived with 30 years of bombs here in Belfast I think I can cut it for 2 weeks in Gumbet. We are also going to Istanbul for 4 days not bothering me in the least, as I have always said "from the day and hour you are born you life is mapped out for you" so if its my time to go then god wants it that way . But I will not change my plans after I make them that would be tempting fate. If I don't go on the 17th sept I might just get run over by a bus here in Belfast on the 18th ......So i'm going no matter what .......And I know I'm going to have a wonderful time as I do every year. So all you deciding to go ....as the NIKE advert says ..."JUST DO IT"

İcmeler does not completely shut down in october it just gets quieter, some places close but the amount open does outweigh them.

was all ready to book two weeks in bodrum but i chicken out i am going to tunisia now :oops: but i have already book to go next year to alanya :lol:
was all ready to book two weeks in bodmin

crikey.are they bombing Cornwall now!!!!!!!!! :D
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